TN: 1992 Beringer Private Reserve Cabernet (3L)

I’m back. A blast from the past. Moved to CT a few years ago and basically dropped out of the wine scene. My wine has been collecting cobwebs since. We had a Masters themed dinner last night and I thought it was time to drink this one.

I haven’t had this in regular format for several years – but, this bottle (3L) was spectacular. Rich and chocolatey – gorgeous nose. Very obviously CA. No signs of fading, no prunes/raisins. Fully resolved tannins and perfectly balanced. Super-long finish. I’ve probably had the wine 20 times and this one was the best I remember – thought it was an absolute bomb on release.

Also had the 2000 Beaucastel from magnum. Not nearly as impressive and was better a few years ago, IMO. Good, but it has shed a lot of what made it great. A little disappointed given it was from a 1.5l.


Thank you for posting. I have the same 3L sitting in my cellar. 1992 is my son’s birth year and I was waiting for a milestone event to open it.

I’d drink it in the next ~5 years personally. No rush. Not fading. But I question the upside. It’ll eventually head toward prunes like the 750s. Really spectacular though. I may repurchase it as it’s our wedding year and it’s a good value…

It’s been a long time, but the string of '91-'93 Berenger PRs (and the Knight’s Valley) were part of what got me hooked on wine. That, and have to admit it, '91-'93 Caymus. And then I found Bordeaux!

Cool note, brings back some memories.

Yeah – we had a blind tasting group in the mid-90s and my favorite ringer to bring for Bordeaux (besides Dominus) was the 1992 Beringer Meritage. That might have been the best $12 red wine I ever bought. I wish I had a 3L bottle of it to taste today (I’m sure they didn’t bottle it in large format). Beringer made some spectacular wines from 1990 to 1994. Like you, I moved to Bordeaux. I probably have <2cases of CA left…

Agreed on both the 92 Berlingers and getting hooked…!


I have a lot of love for the 1992 Beringer Private Reserve Cab, but the 1987 of the same is the better wine. IMHO.

The 1991 Knights Valley continues to be stellar. It has been my house and BYO wine, this year.

I remember you well from the Squires Board! Your avatar was a photo of the tower at Latour, I believe? Glad to have you post here, and please continue to do so!


I love Beringer PR. Although I’ve attended hundreds of IPO roadshows, the one I remember best might be Beringer, in 1997. It was also the only professional lunch in which I stumbled back to my computer. They served several cabs from the early 90s, all in those giant Riedel glasses, and they were spectacular. Although I’ve become an Old World snob over the years, I retain a soft spot for the Cali classics.