TN: 1989 Ducru Beaucaillou

Beautiful nose right out of the gate - mint, lavender, red cherry fruit and just the faintest hint of bell pepper, enough to add a nice earthy note without being overwhelming. Still a little closed at first on the palate, but as it opend nice leather, dark red fruit, mint and nice fine peppery tannins with a moderately long finish. Not a blockbuster, but went spectaculalry well with wild mushroom cavatelli.

Sounds like a Troquet evening to me. You living there now or what? [basic-smile.gif]

Good note, by the way.


Glad that you did not wait as long as I did

1989 Château Ducru-Beaucaillou - France, Bordeaux, Médoc, St. Julien (7/11/2009)
worried that this wine had not done well considering the issues that Ducru had in the 80’s. I was mildly surprised when after opening, there were great odors and a fine taste. Fruit and lead pencil dominated the palate. Left to breath for about an hour or two in the bottle. This was probably a mistake since most of the aromas faded and what was left were trace fruit/tart like tastes on the palate. Was it tired, probably not, but one should pop and pour rather than wait
