TN: 1983 Taillevent BdB and 2007 Clerico Pajana

1983 Taillevent: for a 28-year-old Champers, this is remarkably vibrant, fizzy and tasty. It is certainly bready, but not overwhelmingly so. mature fruit and a vibrant sinewy structure make this really nice. It will last for a few years, but is fully mature (at least to me) right now. A good example of an older Champagne that has held up well.

2007 Clerico Pajana: showing the ripeness of the vintage, but this is seriously tasty and structured. I’m agnostic on the '07s at this point (I might prefer '04 and '01 - not sure), but this is a great wine. Despite the new-wave reputation, I tend to find Clericos impenetrable when young - this wine was open for business without being sloppy or jammy in any way. The distinctive nebbiolo fruit is there, even if it is a bit voloptuous. Better by far than any of the 5 or 6 '07 Barbarescos I’ve had thus far.