TN: 1983 Dom. Albert Morot, Beaune Cent-Vignes

With lunch on 8/8/17
1983 Dom. Albert Morot, Beaune Cent-Vignes
The wine was brought in by Bobby Kacher when he was still with World Shippers before starting his own import company. Back when Robert Parker was still covering Burgundy, Kacher used to host a tasting of all his Burgundy producer’s wines at a single location. On this occasion, the tasting was at Albert Morot which was run by Mlle. Choppin. I’m sure she did a fine job as the above wine attests but her most noticeable characteristic was a rather bushy mustache. From that time on we ragged on Bobby for modeling his own mustache after that of his producer.
As for the wine, the fill was good, the color medium ruby, and the nose offers up red fruits and a pleasant earthiness. On the palate it retains ample fruit in a slightly austere style, good balance, and modest length. It’s time came a while ago but it’s still in good shape. My score 84 points