TN: 00 Pichon Lalande

Thank you, Philip for the note. It will be interesting to see when we all blink and start to actively dip into our '00 cru Bordeaux. Not necessarily the premier cru’s (for those who own them) but the rest.

Not yet, I’d say, not yet…

I had a 2000 haut-Batialley that would have been better 3-5 years ago.

Thanks for the note on this; I’ve been holding off on popping the cork on most of the 00’s, including this one.


Hard to generalize a vintage on one example (I haven’t had 00 Haut Batailley), but out of the two dozen petit chateau 00s I’ve had, many are rounding into form. Of the half dozen bigger boys I’ve had in the last few months, they’re not there yet. Of course one needs to tailor his or her drinking window to his or her preferences in the wine.

Interesting note, P, as the 2000 is one of the PLs I actually have not ever tried yet - even just to see where it is at.

I’ve tried not a handful of 2000 Bdx the past 4-5 months. Those that I have tried lately though were quite enjoyable - I’m not saying at peak, but quite enjoyable*****:

2000 Siran******
2000 Labégorce******
2000 Domaine de Chevalier******
2000 Larcis Ducasse

nb: A 2000 Cantenac Brown I opened in early March 2010 for lunch seemed open, but a bit “muddled”. It may very well have been way too young, but I the style itself didn’t appeal to me at all.

***** A 2000 Figeac I opened sometime in August 2008 just to test was aggravated infanticide. I wouldn’t even consider opening another, even just to test, until the wine is at least 12 years from vintage

****** The bottles shared by the estate owners Edouard Miailhe, Nathalie Perrodo and Olivier Bernard during separate dinners - so they consider their respective wines ready to drink, if not necessarily at peak. Edouard, in particular, thinks his 2000 Siran just began to “open up” recently.
