TN: 00 La Tour Carnet [Haut Medoc]

00 La Tour Carnet [Haut Medoc] Served cool, over two days. Cellared from release. Double decanted, medium level of sediment. Dark garnet/purple color, mostly clear. No bricking at the edges. A bouquet that is filled with saddle, vanilla, and caramel. Great nose, that keeps enticing one to swirl and sniff. Only 12.5% abv, but feels full bodied and lush. Excellent texture on the palate, maybe they destem the grapes or something, but it has the wonderful feel that a fine Pomerol can offer. Not a typical Medoc flavor set - no earth and forest - but lots of black fruit and density. For my first experience with a LTC (other than a quick slurp at a UGC event) I’m impressed. Although an internationally styled bdx (we had it side by side with a ripe yet traditional 00 Marsau) it is very good. Still quite youthful, and after tasting this, I’d be in no hurry to drink the rest. Well stored bottles ought to make another 10 years no problem. A- is my grade but AFWE types would likely care for it less. Only vintage I ever bought of this estate, and it seems like pricing has risen, to match their quality.

My assessment of the 2000 La Tour Carnet [Haut Medoc] at age 15 was too optimistic about its lifeline. It’s still alive, but after a day open - no decanting - and looking at these old notes, I think it was better in its boisterous teens. As this 4th Growth nears the quarter century mark, it’s still showing slight tannin and acidity, with a Medocain bouquet of cedar, pencil, saddle. The fruit today feels more balanced, middle of the spectrum than the dark plummy aspect a decade ago. The picture doesn’t capture the edge color well, but it’s bricking/mature. The heavy brown bottle has Bernard Magrez’s initials on the capsule, which tends to be a trigger for WB’s, but I think they did a good job with the wine+vintage. I remember a thread some years back where Bordeaux loving WBers were lamenting BM’s purchase of Caronne St. Gemme - a lower level cru bourgeoise Haut Medoc - but I’m not worried. His team seems to make solid Bordeaux and this 2000 doesn’t taste goopy/spoofy today, but I do think it should be drunk up. It’s not an A- grade on my card any more.