Tino Kuban / Maison Glandien

Hello everybody,

Haven’t been present much lately, I wanted to engage more but somehow I’ve been quite busy.

On the topic: I’m gonna attend a wine tasting at the beginning of March of this wine maker / winery.

They strongly suggested me not to miss this because they’re extremely rare wines, and I hope good as well.

I have found very little info online, gonna quote here

Tino Kuban took over Bernard van Berg’s estate in Meursault and named it “Les Jardin Vivants”. There he manages 1.5 hectares of vineyards with negligible yields, partly planted on stakes. Yields remain below 10hl/ha and the load per vine does not exceed 4 bunches. The harvest is carried out in the cool of the morning, in several steps (up to 4) to collect only the grapes at their optimal ripeness and to select drastically. In the cellar he makes wine in the most natural way possible. Vertical press without pump, everything happens by gravity and without decanting. Whole bunches and new Stockinger barrels.

At the same time, Tino develops the Maison Glandien in Meursault. Tino here acts like a négoce. This means that he buys grapes in Burgundy, and also Beaujolais in the Jura and Alsace, and develops them with care. Tino’s experience at Domaine de L’Horizon, Mullineux South Africa in 2015, Felton Road NZ in 2016, Burn Cottage NZ in 2016, Sato Wines NZ also in 2016, Domaine de la Tournelle in 2016, Domaine Pierre Overnoy in 2016 and 2017, Domaine Philippe Bornard in 2016 and 2017 and Dard & Ribo in 2016 and 2017.

He settles in Meursault and in the 2018 harvest he buys his first grapes around the country. He deliberately seeks grape suppliers that meet his high quality standards. All wines ferment spontaneously, receiving no sulfites during aging in used 228l barrels and only a minimal amount during bottling. Due to the composition of the base wines, Tino markets his wines as Vin de France.

Do you have any direct experience with his work?

Lovely wines. Crazy hype.

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Thx for the input, I believe I’m paying fair price, 11 lables (I believe they’re gonna stretch 1 bottle for 8 people) + sone unnamed extra bottle as side + full dinner @ 199 €. I know the people involved (as in: i’ve been a customer for some time) so i basically bought the ticket blind.

Hello everybody,

Last evening I attended the Maison Glandien tasting I was talking about in the first post. Here’s the lineup:

  • L’Ouverture Blanc 20
  • L’Estivage Gringet 21
  • La Flandre Chardonnay
  • L’Ouverture Rosè 21
  • Le Terre Rosè 20
  • Le Laberwurst 21
  • L’Ouverture Rouge 21
  • L’Ouverture Rouge 20
  • Ecully Gamay 21
  • La Leux 21
  • La Leux 20

I’m not able to make detailed tasting notes about each wine, It was like diving into uncharted territory for me.
The first one (from riesling sourced from a GC in Alsace) lead me to believe that it would be a more “familiar” journey, it was the most “conservative” bottle of the lineup (nose and mouth didn’t match). The rest was all very new to me, mostly played around reduction with lots of petrol and juicy fruits. I remember vividly the Gamay which reminded me those strawberry popsicles I used to eat when I was a kid.
La terre was praised a lot by the crowd, very intresting with notes of popcorn and esotic spice mix. I’ve even heard several “best rosè I’ve ever had” thrown around. The Overture Rouge 21 was the one I liked the least, a bit too close to the line between just funky and unpleasing.

All around amazing evening (a lot of other amazing stuff was served before and after, among them there was a Magnum of Bernard Van Berg Le Vin Plus Simplement Burgogne Grand Ordinaire Rouge En Busigny 2005 which they told me it’s only 1 of 3 in existence) with lovely quirky wines, priced super super fairly.