No entry for buying from, or selling to, Rudy Kurniawan and John Kapon.
When I get so busy with work, life, etc that I find myself cutting out things like exercise and healthy eating, stuff like this reminds me that great people found a way to do all this stuff. Here’s a guy who had a seminal role in the formation of our country. And yet he found time to record all of these details of his life.
Have to look at the PAPER copy to read the article unless you subscribe to WSJ. Dislike paywall pages! Looks like it would be interesting to read.
If you search “Thomas Jefferson wine” on Google news you can access the article.
The actual logbook is digitized and available from NYPL
(click on images)
You can also find images of Jefferson’s wine related correspondence, invoices, and bills of lading on the Library of Congress website.
Without twitter, he had plenty of time
Touché. But wait I don’t tweet and I have no time! Probably because it’s all spent here…
any sales to Audouze?
This is the part I liked:
President Richard Nixon, for example, was a great fan of Chateau Margaux, a famous and pricey Bordeaux—although he was known to serve guests something much cheaper.
Kind of endearing to know that even in the little things he was true to his nature.
As far as Jefferson goes, he was indeed a remarkable man. We rarely see that much talent, intellect, and curiosity wrapped up in a single person - Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Kanye West . . . it’s a short list to be sure.
I tried the link, but was unable to view beyond page #3.
I believe he spent a whole year on a wine tour of France. First things first, right?
In Monticello there was a dumbwaiter by the fireplace. When a bottle of wine was desired, they signaled a slave (who stayed in the cellar) to send one up.

As far as Jefferson goes, he was indeed a remarkable man. We rarely see that much talent, intellect, and curiosity wrapped up in a single person - Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Kanye West . . . it’s a short list to be sure.
The dumbwaiter is still there. It goes straight from the wine cellar into the dining room. It could bring a bottle up at a time.
The dumbwaiter is still there. It goes straight from the wine cellar into the dining room. It could bring a bottle up at a time.
Right, we saw it on a tour a few years ago. Monticello is very much worth visiting if you’re down that way, also the buildings designed by TJ at the University.
You can even see the University from Monticello!
Easy work-around for the paywall sites:
Google the URL and then click on the link. This bypasses the paywall since you’re accessing it from Google. WSJ is the worst with the number of articles behind it.
You can even see the University from Monticello!
Right, and IIRC that was on purpose.