The ultimate thermometer from Chris Young

That’s actually why you overcooked the outside. If it rests, the inside cools down. Then you try to recook it to 130 and the outside is way overdone. That’s why no thermo for the sear process.

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I haven’t used any of the new algorithms/software updates because it has been a while since I cooked something thick enough to need it.

But, I did complain about the predictions (up thread) with searing or grilling and was told at that time that the predictions were not appropriate for that style of cook. Maybe they are now.

However, it didn’t take long for me to extrapolate the data for my own circumstances. Basically, once the center approaches 100º, I pulled it and the carryover eventually settled around 125º.

I love having the data available and it makes it a useful tool for me. I think it will excel with roasts. It’s a cool toy/tool and I’m curious if the new software updates improve the predictions based on my common use.


Mine was just delivered. Ist problem was they sent an compatible charging cable.

. The cable with the smaller opening is the one that was sent. The one with the larger opening is what I need. Wrote to them but no response. I could use a tutorial because the instructions are a bit skimpy.

They shipped a cable with your Ultimate Thermometer? It’s just a USB-C.

Yes, thus the photo and the comment. I borrowed a cable from a different device to charge my devices. I just thought it was a bit strange.

Interesting all of mine have come with the correct USB-C charging cable. They must have had a batch get packaged with the wrong Micro USB cable by their vendor.

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I am not sure mine came with a cable at all? I guess maybe I forgot. I have so many USB-C cables that I tend to just toss out new ones unless they’re really nice.

Does anyone else find it a real pain to update the firmware? More than half the time, it just stops midway through the “uploading” phase and eventually times out and you have to restart. With 4 thermometers, display and 2 boosters that means you have to sit there for 30 minutes retrying over and over to get them all updated.


I have 2 thermometers, 1 booster, and 1 display, and I’ve never had a problem with firmware updates (though I haven’t had them very long, so I’ve only done it maybe 2 or 3 times).

Funny, I just received my replacement thermometer. The original became non responsive thanks to the last update.

Oof! I just tried to update mine yesterday and two of the kept failing and now won’t connect at all via BT. I hope they aren’t bricked. :cry:

Take the thermometers out of the case to discharge for at least for 48 hours, they may come “back to life”.
Also, email support

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Yeah unfortunately they are all too familiar with me. I’m pretty sure I’ve had both the original thermometers replaced under warranty and maybe one more also. If these two are now dead, they might just blackball me…


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Support replaced my two bricked thermos. They are always super helpful. Got the 2 new ones yesterday, charged them and updated firmware and one of the brand new ones bricked the same way. :cry: They seem to have a bug with this firmware or something with the update process.

This is disconcerting. I was considering being a first time buyer but don’t know what to think of this.


Don’t think I saw that one? I just checked my emails. I do see an email Mar 4 about updating to 1.5.3 due to a bug causing the thermometers to die. Unfortunately all 3 thermometers that bricked were running the 1.5.3 FW and I was updating it to 1.5.4. I have had other thermometers just die in the past and I assume that was the bug fixed.

But I’d be interested in seeing the email you mention?
