The New Wine Columnist at the WSJ is....

I am happy to report that Lettie Teague will join Jay McInerney at the Wall Street Journal as their new Wine Columnist. They will be trading off writing weekly columns for the Journal.

Unfortunately this is the end of Wine Matters at Food & Wine, but we will now get a lot more Lettie in print.

Congrats to her, this is an amazing opportunity to be on the WSJ staff.

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Fair to say she went out of F&W with a bang?

Would be cool if she gives us a mention in the WSJ! [berserker.gif]

Were there any interview questions related to Aussie wines? Hope she’ll continue to stir the pot.


Her first column should about about drinking wine and discussing economics with Scott! [stirthepothal.gif]

Don’t forget discussing the mortgage business with Mr. Freeman.

Seriously, that is terrific news for Lettie. Congratulations to her.

Great, we know only rich wine snobs read the WSJ… neener [pillow-fight.gif]

Great news! Congrats to Lettie. About time the WSJ hired some real talent.

Considering the politics of the gent owns the WSJ she might as well be working for Scott. pileon [wink.gif]

Thank you all for your words of support. I really appreciate it!

Congratulation Lettie, you earned it! Looking forward to reading your wit and humor in the WSJ wine features!