The Incredible Generosity of John Holdredge

An attorney at my firm and her husband were looking to take a nice vacation to Sonoma and Healdsburg for a few days to unwind after a hectic fall and before the insanity of December closings. As one of the Firm’s two resident wine guys, I was asked to help her plan a trip to Sonoma. I was happy to help, and love suggesting wineries and eateries for those trips.

They asked if I knew of any places right in or near Healdsburg that could do something a little different on a Sunday. I’ve seen John posting on this board, and am familiar with some of his wines. I decided to reach out to John to see if he had some time available. I’m not on John’s lists, and John doesn’t know me from Adam. Regardless, he assured me he would make time even despite the fact that the Sunday they had planned fell right on the Sonoma Wine Road event.

The folks I sent over had an incredible time. Yesterday afternoon the attorney I sent over came into my office, sat down, and started gushing about the experience. She was astounded that John would take so much time out of what she described as an “incredibly busy” day to take care of some strangers referred to him by a stranger. She was ecstatic about the wines, and as a token of her appreciation, snagged me three of John’s 2010s. She was truly gushing about the experience, and couldn’t stop thanking me for setting it up.

I don’t think I deserve the thanks. I think John does, for going out of his way during an exceptionally busy time to create a wonderful experience for a forum referal. So, thank you John Holdredge. Karen, her husband Brad, and I appreciate your generosit.

As a toast to John, I popped the 2010 Holdredge Sonoma Cost “The True” last night.

2010 Holdredge Sonoma Coast “The True” – Very expressive and cool fruit nose of cranberries, sweet cherry, a hint of spice and pure essence of pinot. The palate is very similar with nice cranberry and red raspberry fruit followed by richer cherry giving the wine a solid fruit backbone, bolstered by floral and spice, and really nice vibrant acidity and cut that keeps the mouth watering. A delightful, and very pretty pinot that really takes advantage of the cool climate of the actual coastal parts of the AVA. 13.6% abv. I’ll have another glass or two tonight, and am very much looking forward to it.

That doesn’t surprise me one bit. Below is from his Facebook page. He is…the most interesting man in the world.

Work and Education

Holdredge Wines/Geary Law Firm
winemaker and attorney · Healdsburg, California
Winemaker (Holdredge Wines), Attorney/Shareholder (Geary, Shea, O’Donnell & Grattan Law Firm)
Winner: Best loved winemaker in the Russian River Valley- 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.

Makes killer wines too. If he participates in Berserkerday it is worth your while to save a little love for him

John - I also don’t know you from Adam other than a fellow wine geek on this board, but I do know one thing…You Da Man!!!

I concur. Good to hear from you by the way. Hope all is well.

Great post. Though it would have been hilarious, in a John Holdredge sense of humor way, if at the end of it, you had written a note eviscerating the wine.

Well I always heard he was an A++++++++++++++ guy.

Thanks for posting, K John.

Sounds like this guy is doing what you and I – sitting in our boring offices pushing paper and filling out timesheets – dream of doing: Winemaking and a little country law in a cool little town. If he cycled, too, I would idolize him! I need to visit.

I don’t think you would want to see John in Lycra! [wow.gif]
Just saying. Great guy though. [cheers.gif]

Not sexy?

I wondered why his website had no picture!

Nice post, but don’t you think he at least deserves an Open Letter? [wow.gif] flirtysmile


Great story, though I’m not surprised.

When I saw the title, I was about 80% sure this thread was started by John, and I was really looking forward to it. How bitterly disappointing.

Ok- Let’s deal with these comments in reverse order:

Craig: When I saw the title, I was hoping it was an ex girlfriend describing my generosity as a lover. Unfortunatley, while I have a lot of ex girlfirends, none of them would ever describe me as a generous lover- either in performance or attributes. I am as disappointed as you, but it’s just how it is. Although probably not as disappointed as my ex’s were.

JDietz: I was surprised.

Truett and Teng- I invented Open Letters. Well, I invented the concept of endlessly resurrecting them. In fact, it’s just about time.

Tuite: I don’t wear lycra or ass-less chaps. But I am an incredibly sexy man- like the guy in the Southern Comfort commercial- and I couldn’t care what anybody else thinks is sexy- I know I am.

Alfert: Don’t try any tricky big-city stuff. We may be a small town, but we have a traffic light, a fire truck and one hell of a bakery. But last week, we did turn down a request at the Plannng Commission from a guy that wanted to open a psychic business. He was disappointed, but I said he should have seen it coming.

Coery: You left out three +++

Chris: I am my own worst critic. Around bottling, the warden has to hide all the sharp objects and keep anti-depressants handy. It’s usually a few years before I can simply drink a bottle of my own wines without beating myself up about it. Nothing he could write would come close to the depths of my own self-loathing about my own wines. Note however, I am a sexy man as I pointed out to Tuite.

Russ: I do know Adam. He is a hell of a guy. Whip smart and a wicked sense of humor. You should check him out sometime- and his wines are great.

Truett: Please. It’s “Most often loved winemaker in the Russian River Valley- 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2001, 2012 and hopefully 2013.” Please refer to my comment to Tuite.

And Fnally:

KJohn: Thanks for the kind remarks, but it wasn’t anything that any other board member here wouldn’t do. I can tell you that all of us get a kick out of meeting fellow members, tasting with them, and on occassions like this meeting their friends. Great folks by the way. It was no problem, and my pleasure. And I’m glad you enjoyed the wine- it is the lightest and “prettiest” of that vintage for us- but it does have a charm that speaks to me. (although I’m still knocking myself around about the wine!)

Too funny. And funny is the new sexy!

No, the Counselor in Lycra would be a very, very, very bad idea. And he doesn’t know how to use a refractometer. AND he beats up on girls. Just saying. Why… just yesterday…in the thread on “Veraison”…

That’s more like it.

He knows how to run a business. That good deed will come back to him ten fold.

It is really hard not to envy John Holdredge. He is the quintessential definition of a mensch.
Like me, he is a lawyer. Like me, we have what some would call midsection that show we love life.

But, he gets to work in wine country, play and live in wine country, and relish the life of being surrounded by wine. It is hard not to be generous, philanthropic, the most loved in wine country ten years running, when you look at it like that. But truthfully, he does make some nice grape juice and I think he would look fantastic in Lycra.

I only wish I could spend more time in wine country to be more like John.