Super Bowl Riesling Event - Pizza Beddia

Joe Beddia is doing a Riesling dinner next Sunday, Feb 11th. As far as I know the Super Bowl will not be on! There will be insane amounts of great riesling. I am bringing a bunch of older and rare wines. And for me some of the best Pizza (top 5 in my book) in the U.S. Starts at 6:30.

Sounds like fun, but some of us are going to watch the team that beat the crap out of the Eagles earlier this season. Can’t blame them for not having the game on. Go 9ers!

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As a Bills fan the game will be equally painful.

Oof. I was rooting for the Bills to beat KC.

This is shaping up to be a great event. Joe was not sure if anyone would be interested in Riesling over the Super Bowl! It is too bad KC is in; otherwise, Jason Kelce would be coming!

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I ate there when they first opened several years ago. Looking at the pictures it looks like they moved to a new location because the old one was a tiny hole in the wall in a historic building. That should be a real treat. Enjoy!