Finest made? Those here who have had it- share notes please. A buddy is downright nuts over this sake, which appears to be near unicorn status. Curious…
Forgive my inadequate tasting notes, but, it’s citrusy, well-attenuated, and airy. There is definitely a big “Wow” factor when you taste it. Dassai Beyond or Daishichi Myoku Ranguku would be the closest you could come to compare to that of Super 8. But really, there’s nothing else out there with that kind of polishing rate.
I heard that Niizawa doesn’t even make money making Super 8. It’s more of a labor of love, to prove that it can be done. It is only imported from Japan by the bottle or 3-pack upon special request, and can take from 1-4 months to appear. Whether it’s worth the price of admission is debatable. There are many great Sakes out there which can be obtained for significantly less. Super 8 is kind of special though. Hope that helps.
Thanks Veronica. Really appreciate the note and description. I do peek in the glass enclosed cellar at the shop to see if I will find it there…
Speaking of great Sake. Does anyone know any good stores in Los Angeles / SF / or NYC area besides for TrueSake and Sakaya?
I feel as if it is really difficult to find rare Sake in the USA.