Sucked in to closeouts...

I have more wine than I really want to have at any given moment, and I had just put a freeze on after the Rhys release, and the BerserkerDay fest, then along comes a distributor closeout and I’m buying up random things because the prices are just so low. I’m not ITB, when I see a rare deal like this, I feel I have to jump on it, but I wonder how common it is for distributors to dump a large selection of random things that apparently have just been on the books too long.

Do I really need a half case of 06 rosenblum monte roso reserve zin? At SIX BUCKS A BOTTLE? How could I not? And why not take a chance on an 86 bertani amarone, for $12 each?? Also picked up some 04 david arthur meritaggio 2004, 06 vieux telegraphe 375s, 01 marchesi di barolo cannubi … I have no clue how they came up with the pricing, as it certainly appears to be below cost. Will see how they turn out soon…

I hear that.

I just bought a case of 07 Rodney Strong Merlot for $90 because, how could I not?

Same with a case of 07 Sebastiani Alexander Valley Cabernet for $120.

I just need to start drinking more.

how does one become privy to these deals?

Where did you bought those? I would love to take a chance on 1986 Amarone at that price!

I’m on the email list for every retailer I’ve ever visited.

But sometimes you just run across something while visiting a store.

Dood-What’s with not sharing the deals with your local buds? [highfive.gif]

i liked the 04 meritaggio and would buy if I ever saw it on closeout.

You just need to learn to say no.



Dammit, there goes my theory pileon

It has been interesting, between the soft market for most wines the last few years, and the increasing availability and exchange of information through this board and other internet sources. You just keep random bargains that are hard to pass up, even though you don’t need more wine and it’s not always clear that you’re buying wine you will like (it’s not as though you’re seeing Rhys, Carlisle and Sea Smoke at 50% off).

But some of the bargain wines turn out to be great, and sometimes buying because of a bargain exposes you to some different wines than you would have otherwise tried and it turns out to be a good broadening of your horizons. Others don’t, but I usually find plenty of occasions to give them away to civilians, bring to potlucks, cook with, and so forth.

I’m sure you’ll end up sharing some somehow! But there was no burg on the list ; )

Good question - I’m not even sure - this was through a friend who’s friends with a distributor, not a public offer as far as I know…

You just have to take advantage of a distributor dumping a product, because the prices are like a fire sale when they happen. The latest in the Chicago area (that I knew of) was Southern dropping the Mumm (or Mumm switching from Southern, whichever it was) that resulted in Binny’s selling Cordon Rouge for $19.99 a bottle. You don’t pass that up, no matter how much you don’t need the wine.

I wouldn’t buy a wine labeled “Meritaggio” on general principles. [wink.gif] What next, “Shirazeroo”? “Chianti Classique”? “Spicetraminer”?

Wine tastes SO much better at those prices. [cheers.gif]

Meritaggio is simply a play on words. David likes Sangiovese better than Malbec, so he includes it in his blend,
so he can’t call it ‘meritage’.
Personally, I think the name is brilliant, and the wine doesn’t suck either.

I just trademarked “shirazeroo” and sold the rights to Yellow Tail for $1.5 million. [snort.gif]

I’m not too proud to beg for a 10% referral fee… flirtysmile

Unfortunately, the royalties are paid in cases of Yellow Tail, I’ll be sending you 14,000 cases next week ; )

Not necessarily a knock on the retail side but, when I used to work part-time ITB, we would see these closeout lists come through and snap some of them up, and put them on the shelf at a reduced price (relative to their normal retail).

We would then see the same wines appear on the shelves of other retailer at full retail, and know that the retailer was making an amazing amount on the mark-up.

Not sure of the rules where you are, but what is the legality of your friend the distributor (allegedly) selling direct to a consumer?