Status of 2018 Bordeaux purchases from total wine?

So I bought a little for my grandniece’s cellar. Are they in? I haven’t paid attention I confess.

A few of mine came in at the end of last year but most are still pending.

Lots of shipping issues. Most have been released, but the First Growths are lagging.

I received my Haut-Bailly II, but not the other 24 I ordered. Seems understandable to me.

How did you learn they were in? I use McLean VA as my store and bought Les Carmes HB, Calon Segur and DDC (the last two in mag). Anyone in the DC area get those yet?

Total wine emailed that they were ready for pickup but you can login to your concierge account and check the status of your orders.

In Atlanta, my Lagrange came in last fall, but my Branaire-Ducru and Les Carmes HB haven’t arrived yet, which is fine with me.

All it says under order status is “new” (despite being placed in May 2019). Does that mean not in yet or should i be looking elsewhere?

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New seems to mean not arrived. Ones that have arrived say ready for pickup. I have an order with some bottles that arrived and were picked up and the overall order says processing and the received bottles say fulfilled.

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2018 bordeauxs are only just starting to deliver really in the UK. Probably about half of mine havent rarived yet, and some will take as long as the summer to get here. Coupled with freight problems globally atm, patience will be important for a while I Think :slight_smile:

Status of 2018s I ordered through TW so far:

Received and in my possession: Cos d’Estournel, Smith Haut Lafitte red and white, Pavie Macquin

Still waiting (which is fine with me): Cheval Blanc and Petit Cheval red and white, Lafite, Pavie

Thanks all

Good info in this thread! Still waiting on my Grand Puy Lacoste and Leoville Barton, hoping TW gets them over during this four-month tariff suspension.

My experience with Total Wine futures is that they contact me to settle the balance as soon as it hits the shore. Then it can be anywhere between 1-3 months before it arrives at my local store and the status moves to “ready to pick up”. I believe they send another email at that time as well.

Count yourself luckily. If it had landed a few weeks ago, you’d have had to pay the 25% tariff.