SQN-style central coast Syrah recommendations

Curious if folks here have any recs for a good Central Coast Syrah coming from a Napa cab enthusiast. Think SQN, Andremily. Had The Hated Hunter and Distenta II and both thought they were in a league of their own. Especially curious about wines in the $75-$200 range. It seems harder and harder to find cabs in Napa, especially on the 75-125 range that represent a true value prop. Curious if there are some under the radar/gaining steam producers that folks here have had good experiences with.


Not under the radar, but for me, I like Alban, especially the Lorraine and Reva. For some it’s too much, but like you, I love Napa Cab, and the Alban does it for me.

This isn’t my exact wheelhouse, as my tastes are more aligned towards the AFWE end of the spectrum, however in the past I found Jaffurs hit a lot of the same tones as the SQN’s I had without being over the top or flabby/disjointed…particularly their Upslope syrah which (at least the bottles I consumed from the early-mid 2000’s vintages) was compelling. Not sure if they’re still a good recommendation or not, but the bottles I had in the past fit your criterion.

Herman Story.


If you love SQN then Fingers Crossed should be on your list. Allbaer is another one that gets a lot of love and has some SQN heritage.


Another former SQN assistant


I was going to say Lillian, Fingers Crossed , and Alban, but others beat me to it.

A bit different, but there’s a good chance you’ll like Saxum. For something a bit less expensive, Dragonette MJM is worth trying out. Not SQN, but a great big, Central Coast Syrah.

If you’re a Napa Cab lover and looking for a big, CA Syrah, I think you also have to try Kongsgaard’s Syrah.

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Epoch and Denner maybe

Not Central Coast, though look into Tynan…makes a Judge Family Vineyard that is quite nice.

+1 for Lillian. I would also add Torrin and Nicora as possible alternatives.

Alban Reva and Saxum James Berry or Paderewski

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Wrath. A little bit less expensive but in that same field.

If we are talking Santa Barbara County, and if you talking ‘rich and full bodied’, many of the suggestions already made are good ones - Jaffurs Upslope, some of Tensley’s wines, Barbieri, Terre et Sang, Sanguis, Lillian, Fess Parker’s Rodney’s Vyd, some of the Epiphany wines as well.


Might be a minority opinion and I wouldn’t say these wine are in the same style as SQN but Booker is a good option for something on the low end cost wise.

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One more very important question. Do you prefer richer more full body than less tannic wines or wines where tannins are up front and noticeable ?

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Piedrasassi perhaps? Also Santa Barbara, though I’ve never had SQN so stylistically I am not entirely sure. But Piedrasassi makes some excellent Santa Rita Hills Syrah.

Check out Terre et Sang…newer winery in Los Olivos. Duncan and Dalita Harmon are incredible people making stunning wines from some of the former SQN vineyard sources. They also produce a terrific Cabernet from Moulds Vineyard here in Napa.


I love Piedrasassi. It’s a great Syrah (both Bien Nacido and Rim Rock SVDs), a great value, and a producer everyone should try. That said, I don’t think that it is a similar style as SQN. It is much more restrained and the Piedrasassi alcohol% is going to range between 12.5 to 13.5%.

+1 on Lillian, Saxum and definitely :100: for Kongsgaard Syrah.


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