SQN - Finally made it!

After nearly 8 years, finally made the Holy Grail of lists! champagne.gif
Signed up November, 2005

Dear John~

This courtesy e-mail is to let you know that we have just mailed out our latest offering letter to you. It is for our 2011 Syrah and Grenache. As a valued member of our mailing list family we want to be absolutely sure that you won’t overlook that brown envelope. Please be on the lookout for it. To avoid any possible time delays from our trusted postal service and to enable you to act immediately, should you so desire, we have included your User ID & Password. You may log in online at http://www.sinequanon.com to view your allocation which is available to you until Thursday, August 29, 2013.

We realized, after the fact, that some of the order forms had the incorrect vintage printed at the top. This is indeed our 2011 Syrah and Grenache. If you received one of these please accept our apologies.

Thanks and all the best from everyone at SQN,


Congrats! Ordered my 6&6 as always, no brainer.

Lucky duck!

Signed up April 2006. I assume that I’m still a release or two away from making the list.

I wish I could post the same. I fear that I have years to go. I don’t remember when I signed up but it was probably about 2 years ago. :frowning: I’ll gladly take any that anyone wants to unload, though. :wink:

Edit: I signed up exactly a year ago today. I’m screwed. [snort.gif]

Thats pretty funny- I was curious and knew I had an email from SQN somewhere- and I signed up in April 2006 also.

I honestly don’t remember how long I have been on the wait list. I think it has been since before John met Yoko. Maybe I should write them.

A most amazing list. Those waiting, clammoring to be included encompass Euro-palates, AWFEs …

The few I’ve had the pleasure of tasting are about as subtle as the Saxum Padereswki I opened last night!

Nothing subtle about them, that’s for sure. But they are fun, and they are definitely crowd pleasers. Having said that, I am not sure I would buy now even if I made the list; the prices have skyrocketed since I signed up for the wait list. Of course, we were on the gold standard then, so different era.


I got to try SQN a number of years ago at a charity event at Wally’s (Westwood) held in honor of Michael Bonaccorsi. They were pouring reds, which were great enough, but the guys I was with told me to wait around because they would pour some stickies at the end. THEY MOST CERTAINLY DID!

I was on the waiting list for several years but must have failed to make some response or other along the way, because I no longer get the “Sorry” cards. Oh, well… a bit rich for my blood these days anyway.


Do these still sell for more than release price on the secondary market? Just curious.

I signed up last year so I have a long while before I get there.

Yes. Often for 2x release price. I’ve seen it for 2x plus. pileon

I think that you only get 2x at most for the LBV and not for the regular releases. For most stickies, there is little premium (and have even been sold on lastbottlewines.com).

I must be one of the few people who was underwhelmed by the SQN’s that I have had.

Order in. I usually open a SQN after making a new order. Perhaps a Raven Syrah.

Had one for my son’s adoption day May 31, it stole the show!

Boy those Raven are drinking well now.

Darn – I was hoping this was my year, but I guess another year or two…

Whether a markup or not, I am a buyer when I make it… the wines are delicious…