Spillover effect from Monvigliero?

I realized that the price on Burlotto’s Monvigliero had gone crazy since Galloni gave one (2013?) 100 points. Other producers’ Monviglieros have gotten pricier, too. But I hadn’t realized how the other Burlotto bottlings had gone through the roof. I just received these offers – for 2017s, no less!

Burlotto, Barolo Cannubi, 2017 $339
Burlotto, Barolo Monvigliero, 2017 $379


I paid $48 for the 2007 Monvigliero in 2011.

Thankfully, I’ve only seen Fratelli Alessandria’s Monvigliero go up in price, but it hasn’t seemed too out of place given how good it is.

I’m just glad I got some Burlotto right before the price explosion across the board. Sadly, it means I’ll hold onto them for dear life and dinners where they’ll be viewed as a splash instead of: wtf is this $50 bottle doing here?!

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I’m likely finished with Burlotto Barolo though I might still pick up the nebbiolo every now and them.

Burlotto is really going crazy yes.

Shop nearby has some Alessandria Monvigliero 2016 for 75 euro’s a bottle.

Very tempted on buying a case.

I just picked up the 2020 nebbiolo for $20-$22.

Their freisa can be a joy, too, if you find it – like a cross between a juicy Dogliani and a Nebbiolo d’Alba.

If that price were available in the US I’d buy some (and I already bought 4). It’s a beauty.

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Lowest price on Wine Searcher (not pro) for the 2016 at the moment is $275. [wow.gif] [cry.gif]

:+1:t3::+1:t3: $20-22 is great for what is in the bottle. My last purchase was ~$28.

I’m a sucker for a good freisa. It’s something I should drink more of.

And don’t forget their Pelaverga!

Yea, that’s pretty messed up. The 17s have been blow $100. Not as cheap as they were and not as strong of a vintage, but if they sorta hold there then hopefully there’ll be a few more vintages of buying before the next peak hits

Still available for $85 in California, which I think is a great price in the current context, but the 2016 was $75. I wish I bought a case of that.

Yes, and it makes no sense. Burlotto’s Monvig is such a singular wine and the other wines in the stable aren’t really that similar in my opinion. Neither are other producers’ Monvigs.

John Morris I’ve only been buying since 2014 but From my source here in Switzerland I’m always more limited in my burlotto Cannubi quantity than my monvigliero. And the price for the two crus is basically identical and in the past the cannubi was more expensive although only by a little.

Don’t ignore Frat Alessandria’s other bottlings. The San Lorenzo ‘17 was excellent and is a good price in the market now ($65 in the US).

Btw other than the Monvigliero, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of ‘17s discounted at the end of the year. A lot of pricing was pretty aspirational. Prob not any Burlotto though.

The madness of people paying the critic to make wine more expensive for them. I like Fabio and his wines, but not enough to pay what the market now asks for them.