Someone please analyze that blue/grey premox slime

Calling Alan Rath and other chemists,

Can someone please analyze what the characteristic blue/grey coating on the bottom of almost every cork from a premox wine is ?

May be a clue or at least if we can proove it diagnostic could be a useful way of claiming refunds. Much easier to send a carton of blue corks back than recorked bottles full of premox wine.

Shouldn’t take long to find a sample.


Isn’t it a peroxide treatment?

I’ve found something similar on corks from good bottles and not always on the base but sometimes in fissures on the side of the cork. I wouldn’t be convinced it’s isolated to premoxed wines.

It is not new and certainly doesn’t necessarily indicate premox, I’ve seen it on lots of bottles from the 80s.

Had some of this on the bottom of a cork from an '89 Suideraut couple weeks ago, all was fine with the wine.

Never seen it apart from premoxed bottles… not sure if there isn’t some confusion about what we’re referring to.

i too see it all the time on bottles that are fine - of various ages.

Guillame I agree - we are talking about different things.

John Gilman, Paul Hanna and our friend “the big D” also agree. It is a blue/grey coating on the corks we see routinely on premoxed wines. Discussed earlier

Pictures would help in explaining…

I recently opened a '93 Morey St. Denis that had some bluish/green mold on the cork, but the wine was fantastic.

Last night I opened a 2002 Max Ferd Richter Mulheimer Helenkloster Eiswein. It looked very advanced for its age. So I examined the cork and thought it had a slate grey appearance at the bottom lower side. Or may be the power of suggestion from Anthony was such that I was imagining things…

I’ve also seen something that would seem to fit that description on sound bottles (not Burgundy, but wines with some age), so pictures would be appreciated.

Ok - if I can find the blain gagnard morgeot 04 corks that inspired the post I will photograph and post. Otherwise will take about a week of solid drinking to find another premox white !

Save yourself 6 days and open one of your 02 Bouchards tonight Anthony.

I think we are talking about exactly the same thing. It surprised me at first that I was finding this blue strangeness on sound bottles.

I poured 60% of my premier cru Meursault from Bouchard 2002 down the sink last year and drank the rest along with most of my 02 whites in a race against the premox monster.