Smoked meat/ Pastrami wine match?

I’m more of a Dr. Brown’s Black Cherry soda guy myself.

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Why not Riesling?

Dr. Brown’s doesn’t make a riesling

First congrats to the OP! And glad it worked out.

But I can’t get over this: a tasting at Katz’s. WTF! For those who don’t know, this is a cavernous space, very dated, usually jammed (maybe not during Covid>), which has a throwback system where you get a card punched when you order on the line (or from a waitress) and when you’re done, you pay a cashier stationed by a turnstile. Did they rope off an area for you? Did you mingle with the rest of the customers? Just trying to picture this…


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as soon as i read college applications and smoked meat, i assumed your son is going to mcgill in montreal. a complete aside but i felt schwartzs was disappointing to this new yorker.

langers in LA i think is a better deli than any of the classics around these parts. though, i am partial to 2nd ave deli.

i think we opened some lambrusco with some pastrami recently from cleto chiarli which mimicked dr. browns black cherry without the overt sugar.

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Syrah. And not the lean type. Something with a bit of stuffing.

I eat what my wife would probably describe as a disturbing amount of both barbecue (probably my favorite kind of food) and pastrami (mostly in the form of Reubens). And my absolute favorite pairing is Syrah, something with plenty of meatiness, black pepper, some new oak, but also enough acidity to cut through all the meaty fat. The savory herbal-briny elements of Syrah also help it to work well with the pickles.

Failing that, Cheerwine.

Saul’s has Dr. Browns too.

Thanks for the tip Jay, I didn’t know you could order from them online. The above is all that I get every time I go there in person anyways. How does the pastrami hold up days later and compare to the fresh experience? Also would you recommend ordering it sliced or whole?

I love going to Saul’s whenever I can make it over to Berkeley. They make a pretty solid Pastrami sandwich and I think it’s better than Wise Sons.

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I got it pre-sliced and vacuum packed. I followed their recommendation of reheating in water in the pack and it came out great.

I made the mistake that time of ordering some side dishes. That was the worst matzoh ball soup I’ve ever had in my life. And some of my relatives are/were terrible cooks.

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But Wise Sons rox the lox!

We’ve ordered Kenny & Ziggy’s deli by Goldbelly before. May need to see how Katz’ holds up. My preference is ordering at the counter where they hand carve it [dance-clap.gif]

Kenny & Zuke’s? They are masters of pastrami and brisket.

Kenny and Ziggy’s. Based out of Houston. Though I may need to seek out this other one!

You want it sliced. When you order the whole pastrami you need to finish it off with a 3 hour boil at home before slicing. Not worth the work, or the effort to find a big enough pot. Found that one out the hard way.

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+1 re Kenny and Zuke’s…Have enjoyed their smoked meats on trips out west.

I’m with you there. Miss Kenny and Ziggys. My mother and brother loved the place. Now wondering what wine goes with Kisha.

Meant Kishka with Kasha Varnishkes.