SingleThread Wine Suggestions

Hello All! My fiancé and I are heading to SingleThread next week to celebrate our birthdays. While we will certainly chat with the somm team when we are there I’m curious which bottles stand out to folks assuming a $1K budget?

Ideally a white and a red with maybe a slight preference for wines from CA. But really just I’m just hoping to get some general suggestions before we arrive.

I know there was a similar topic recently but hoping to get more input.

Cheers all!

I would go with enfers and 10 mg fueselottes

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If you haven’t had much Oregon Chardonnay, I’d suggest the 2019 Walter Scott X Novo, Eola-Amity Hills ($250).

For a red, the 2006 Vérité Le Désir, Sonoma ($595) looks interesting. Maybe they could open it ahead of time.

You’d have enough left for a half bottle of Champagne!

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The Peay Chardonnays are great with a bit of age, as are the Littorai. Not domestic, but I do love the Simon-Bize wines. I bet the Mayacamas CH are holding up really well too from the 90’s - but can usually find them outside a restaurant setting for a pretty reasonable tarrif. The 2014 Williams Selyem Precious Mountain is a pretty special bottle, as is the 2012 Allen PN. Clary Ranch Syrah from Arnot-Roberts is a fun wine - from west of Petaluma and a pretty special site IMO. It really is a great list though, they know it better than anybody and are really helpful!

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You could drink pretty nicely, with more variety, just from the half bottle list. A half each of Champagne, Trimbach, chablis, pinot, and red burgundy would keep you well under $1000, and give you better matches to various courses.

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Enfers and 2000 Chevillon Chaignots and maybe 17 Ramonet Morgeot

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Half bottle of Krug is 180 yet a full bottle is 650 :scratch:

All MGM properties in Las Vegas price similarly; a 750 of Krug Grande Cuvée costs 3x the cost of a 375, which has crept up to $180 or $185.


Any chance that 1966 Livermore Valley Cabernet is still kicking? I think it was $330, if there was a decent chance I might take a shot since they are taking the risk of it being dead.


You’re almost never going to get a deal getting a grand marque at a restaurant.

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14 Emrich-schonleber Halenberg is drinking well finally and leaves you with a lot leftover for a red.

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Looks like folks are pretty quick to steer you off the domestic. Not getting much help here :slight_smile: - the Somm team is amazing and will help you out for sure! There are often a few things they have they aren’t advertising widely…

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Why overpay for meh CA if you can get really good old world for a reasonable price? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There’s a boat load of very good sub 200 US wine in there. It’s the trophy label stuff that seems way overpriced. If I was there for the food I’d be happy with dozens of options. If was looking for a wine experience … do they do corkage (even if it’s $100)

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@Robert_M_yers what is particular stands out to you in that range?

Kinda applies to wine in general? :wink: :wink:

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There is a recent thread on this:

Are you set on bottles? What about asking the somm for an uber-upgraded BTG pairing for each course and maybe a 1/2 bottle of champagne (or order a handful of 1/2 bottles as others said)?


Not set on bottles but the pairing seems pretty underwhelming from what I’ve heard from others recently so figured a couple of bottles may be a better option.

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Ceritas chards, I’m a fan of Arnot Robert’s and Liocco as well. There are even some under $100 from these producers I would happily drink.

Has anybody had a Freeman Pinot lately? That’s a name I haven’t seen in awhile and They have a stray for $90? I used to buy those all day from Winebid 15 years ago, but I honestly can’t remember the style any longer.

I would be buying old world, but I won’t go there :cheers: