
Did our signatures get migrated over from the old place? I don’t see them.

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It’s addressed here

Specifically here

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Thanks. But it doesn’t have the content of my signature, which was a WOTY list. Is there a way to retrieve that list?

Bob Wood:
“Peter…your well-reasoned words were a waste of time.”
Chateau Musar '00
Six Cloves Chard Linda Vista '19
Navacelle Bojo Lantignié '19
Tempier Rosé '19
Six Cloves Primitivo Benguerel '19
7 of Hearts PN Curmudgeon Armstrong '12
Patricia Green Myster '16
Extradimensional Salters Rosé '21
Patricia Green PN Estate Ribbon Ridge '08

Thanks Todd!

On the old board we could add out location to our profile. This was a nice feature and do not see how to include that now. Helpful when someone is posted for recommendations or in commerce corner to know where they live.

Did I miss something on this?

It’s in the ‘how to’ thread pinned on this forum, but basically you click the username and can see quite a bit of info in the ‘card’ that pops up, more so if you again click the name

I am anxiously awaiting Corey to make an appearance in this thread and say something about wanting “always on” signatures back, so that I can reply with an “I’m with Corey on this.”

the goal of this software is to remain less crowded overall - all the information is there, sometimes it takes a hover over or a click to find it, but keeping the UI clean concentrating only on the ‘essentials’ is the overall goal

Do you hear a whooshing sound?