Shipping Wines to the US Virgin Islands

We’re taking a trip there this March, and I’ve looked at the wine retailers there, and that got me considering “hey, maybe I could ship a case or two down there”. We’re staying in a rental, so I could send it to the management company for holding.

I’m wondering if anyone has tried this, and if so what the experience has been. The things I get a little bit concerned about are heat (boxes sitting on the tarmac in STT or on the deck of a ferry between the islands) and how far afoul of the rules I would be. Cooked or confiscated cellar gems would be a bummer. Not so worried about the shipping cost, as the wines are already bought and paid for. I know I can bring some via checked luggage, but we’re already carrying a lot. So that would probably limit me to a 6 pack or so.

Any thoughts, yea or nay, would be appreciated.


Jim I’d have the same concerns. I (briefly) looked into shipping wine to Nevis but decided against it for the same reasons you cite. Very good chance of cooked or lost wine.

I would be uber concerned about wine sitting around. I think its not a matter of if it will sit in the heat but more a matter of how much time it will sit in the heat

Very simple solution, The Wine Check. I used this last year to check a case of wine on my flight to Jamacia. Cannot recommend highly enough. Another good reason to buy one is that Todd owns the company.

+1 on this!

Agreed. Wine Check

Thanks everyone. I’ll check out “Wine Check”!

We’ve been to St. John several times and I just check a case of wine. (Just got my Wine Check, so will use that next time.) Even paying for the extra bag is far cheaper than shipping it, and you are able to maintain control of the conditions around it.

Agree with the other thoughts here. Having been there several times now, any shipped wine WILL be treated poorly and subject to heat. There’s a lackadaisical attitude about everything down there (that’s why you want to be there on vacation!), so it will get left out somewhere along the way.


Thanks Chris. I think you’re spot on about “island time”:slight_smile:

Ordered the “Wine Check”. Thanks to everyone for the advice. Looks to be “just what the doctor ordered”!

Don’t ship wine to the Caribbean. It’s going to get cooked and slopped around, and potentially lost for weeks.

Ship some of your non essentials 2 weeks in advance (tshirts etc) pack a case or two in styro shippers, if really concerned id put them in the frige the night before to knock the temp down a bit. This is what we did, shipped the crib in advance and check the wine…gotta have your priorities straight afterall

Thanks Paul. Good advice on the pre-chill, which shouldn’t be a problem here in MN in March;)

So I received my “Wine Check” yesterday. While I haven’t tried to squeeze a shipper box into it, the quality of the carrier is very good. And shipping was “Amazon-like”. Seemed like it arrived almost before I ordered it. Couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks to all that pointed me in that direction! Problem solved!

You will wonder why you didn’t know about this sooner. A pre-chill would certainly not be a bad idea, but probably not necessary as the baggage compartment should be plenty cool at 30,000 feet.

Jim… you have some interesting ideas on how package logistics operates. I assure you, packages do not sit on a tarmac, or on the deck of a ferry. I speak from experience here.

I’d be more concerned with where the package sits with the management office once delivered.

Just the same, it seems like the wine check might vertainly be the best option for this situation.

I check wine packed in styro every year to the Caribbean. I have never had any problems and the wine arrives still cool. Wrap the bottles in some newspaper to give even more insulation. No worries.

So, the “Wine Check” is “locked and loaded” and ready for travel. The shipper fit in the Wine Check carrier like a glove. I’m really pleased with the product.

Also pleased with the random case I pulled together. Looking forward to drinking better than we have on prior trips:

  • 2000 Taittinger Comtes Rose
  • 1996 Taittinger Comtes BdB
  • 2002 Dom Perignon
  • 1998 Pierre Peters BdB Les Chettilons
  • 2009 Rhys Horseshoe Chard
  • 2007 Pahlmeyer Chard
  • 2002 Latour Puligny Montrachet Folatieres
  • 2011 Arnot Roberts Rose
  • 1989 Vega Sicilia Unico
  • 2001 Ch St Jean Cinq Cepages
  • 1998 Pavie
  • 1986 Leoville Les Cases

Nice, you’re ready to go! The champagne should be especially delicious in the Caribbean. Have a good trip and report back on what wine you found best for the food and destination.

Nice group of wines Jim. Have a blast!!!