Shellfishpalooza with '04 Taittinger Comtes

Marybeth is allergic to shellfish. The rest of the immediate family took advantage of her absence (ladies desert trip) to feast on the fruits of the sea. I drove down Chuckanut Drive to Taylor Shellfish Farms for the freshest Kumomoto, Shoguku and Fat Bastard oysters. I made both a halibut and a scallop ceviche, and a pot of five pounds of fresh manila clams cooked with white wine butter sauce (I committed a crime against vino by cooking with the remains of a Ceritas chardonnay I opened earlier this week and didn’t finish). The meal was fantastic, as was the '04 Taittinger Comtes accompaniment. For me, it has finally entered a long, delicious, ideal drinking window. My favorite vintage of '04-08 for current drinking.
Cheers, life is good.



Damn. She should leave more often!

Fantastic! Man where you live and be allergic to shellfish :frowning:

That meal looks like it’d be worth a 13 hour steroid and Benadryl premedication to eat :wink:

A little allopurinol and atorvastatin before dinner and ur all good! The ceviche sounds great with champagne- ever try sauternes with oysters? That combo won my last white wine/ oyster tasting.

Looks awesome!

Looks fantastic. My wife has an aversion to most seafood, so I feel for your struggles.

Agree totally, the 04 Comtes is on fire right now.

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Warren, looks so awesome. I have ceviche ready to go for tonight… waiting on friends to bring fresh snapper from the gulf later in the day. You have my mouth watering!

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[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif] [rofl.gif]

Fortunately, Marybeth loves fish. I love the sea and almost every food from it. Before and during med school, I even worked a couple of summers doing clambakes on Martha’s Vineyard. Being a current left coast resident, I do miss the steamers and lobsters from New England, blue crab from Maryland, stone crab from Florida, and walleye from the Midwest. Luckily, I’m not suffering from a lack of local selection. Lately, the local fishermen have had plenty of salmon, black cod, uni, dungenous crab, stripped and spotted prawns…
We were talking about you today. Jenise was over and saw a column of Rhys in my cellar and commented that you like them.

Yeah love the 04 comtes

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I always forget that you two live near each other. Hope to get out there and visit you both someday.

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Warren, the food and the champagne both look fantastic. Cheers!


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Double Plus 1~

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Follow up meal tonight. Oyster stew with the oysters we didn’t open last night, and the scallop ceviche. I love oyster stew, but had never made it before. I knew it wasn’t health food, but damn, I didn’t know it was so unhealthy! A stick of butter, three cups of whole milk and a cup of cream, and four of us split it! So delicious, but next time I’ll spike it with a statin.
Marybeth gets home tonight, so shellfish extravaganza ends now.
