SF Chronicle to Close Stand-Alone Food Section

I posted a link over in the Bonne book thread, but that probably isn’t the appropriate place. Certainly a very sad day for Wine and Food Coverage in the Bay Area.

Adam Lee
Siduri Wines

Wow. There goes the main reason I still bothered to read the Chronicle.

Sorry to hear about this - thanks for the link, Adam. It’s unclear as to how extensive the changes will be - they’re saying the section is not “sustainable” but there will be no layoffs…

Indeed a bummer. This is ingrained in my Sunday morning routine.

So the supposed “paper of record” in the most food-obsessed city in the country at the most food-obsessed time in our nation’s history is going to shutter its food section?
Makes all kinds of sense.

Link to the managing editors response saying they are reinvesting, not cutting.

Sounds like they are downsizing their real estate rental expenses, so the test kitchen and possibly garden will go. Otherwise, consolidating two sections of the paper into one, which doesn’t say anything about the effect on coverage.

It certainly is one of the reasons I subscribe to the Chron as opposed to the Murky Rag.