SF Bay Area/Peninsula OL - April 1, Divino

I’m confused if Doc Dan is talking about wine, or his dating life…

No mags, will bring something Italian.

Hell hath indeed frozeneth over!

I’m bringing La Tache

It is April 1, after all

We’re now 17 (potentially). Cap and start a waiting list?

Let me in I want to come.

So, the April Fools La Tache got your attention, eh?

Wonder how many others come for the La Tache :thinking:

Or fake it loudly so they’ll get invited back

My first offline. Would Ultramarine BdB be acceptable? Bring my own stemware? Will $100 cover food, space and service?

More than acceptable
Hopefully closer to 70-80

One more thing: bring cash for settling the bill.

What is ultramarine BdB??? What happened to the Mags of La Tache? :thinking:

It’s $250 per person. I handle the money.

So either bring something better than domestic sparkling or bring $250. Seems fair to me🍷.

Robert he’s joking. I’d love to try the Ultramarine and maybe I’ll learn why everyone is nuts about it LOL.

Did George just refer to himself in the third person?

I’d like to get a count so I can give Divino sufficient notice on the size. As of now, we’re 19. The res is for 14. I’d like to let them know by Weds.

If you or your guest are NOT attending, please reply on this thread. No need to respond if you’re going.

We are not amused.

George speaks for Jorge, and vice versa…