SF Bay Area/Peninsula Dec 12, Sole Ristorante

Send your son with bottles.
Problem solved.

Is Alan bringing Caymus? Other than that, what is everybody bringing?

I’m bringing a new milk-based wine called “Caymoo”

I’m bringing Jurassic wine for Park.

(Well, not exactly, but that has a way better ring than bringing Jurassic wine for Teng.)

Wow, these puns.
This offline’s gonna suck.

Apologies- have to cancel due to a last minute travel commitment.

Was it the bad puns?

I have an 08 Bonnes Mares that I might drink by myself.

I’m bringing a nice little wine, feminine and inspirational, called “Caymuse”

Let’s do a head count - who’s in and who’s out?

Still in.

General Franco is still dead

I’m still in. Rob’s still in.

Think I should be able to make it. No theme beyond wine?

I say the theme is bring something killer for the holidays as our last hoorah for 2016 (at least for me with you guys )…

Me + 1

I don’t think Prop 64 has taken effect yet.

And this has stopped people from doing it on what planet? [snort.gif]