SF Bay Area/ Peninsula April 23, Sole

We let CFu off light. Other first timers normally bring ALL the wines.

But Robert, we’ll let you off light this time, since Craig invited you. One bottle is plenty. We try to bring our own stems, but if that’s a problem the restaurant will be able to provide a couple for you, or one of us can easily bring extras. We try to have themes, but it doesn’t usually work out. Herding cats and all. So bring something you like to drink. Doesn’t have to be something amazing, just good wine want to share.

But let’s strive for something amazing!
(wtf Alan)

Charlie also blatantly ignored the newcomers bring DRC rule.

I have a conflict on the 23rd. We’re pouring for my tasting group.

Can’t commit to this one, as I’m tentatively scheduled to attend a work function that day and evening. Will get the Lombard from you next time. Appreciate you holding it.

Shhh! Trying not to scare of the little baby bird. Let’s reel him in, find out what’s in his cellar, then we can cajole and shame him into bringing the good stuff.

Aight. I’m in. I just got a call that I need to be in Norcal for a hearing the morning of the 24th. Time to bust out the good shit.

Will be staying in San Jose. Carpool Craig!?


Is there space for a friend of mine? Andy Wang. He’s local to you guys. He will bring good stuff!

Paul knows him.

We’ll make it work.


Andy said he will bring Konsgaard Judge or sqn

I’ll bring 2010 juge and some blinds :wink:

please add me to the waitlist. still confirming, but theres a chance my meeting in SF will be cancelled. thanks!

I’m going to wrap myself in tin foil and everyone has to guess who I am

I guess Shrek

You’re like an onion.

Ok Jesse,
I started a waitlist.

WHo is bringing the Mod a couple of zaltos?! XOXO

Put me in as a waitlist, not sure how I’ll get there but we will see.


Nah I only make people cry at work