As my food dealer offered fresh sardine filets today, I tried for the first time “Sesame Sardines” from the book “The Family Meal” by Ferran Adria.
For his new book The Family Meal (Phaidon Press, 2011), Ferran Adria put together some of the recipes for dishes served over the years at El Bulli for staff meals.

10 sardines
3 tbsp sesame seeds
1 lemon
olive oil

The skin side of the sardine filets will be breaded with sesame seeds and sauté in olive oil. Finally a dash of lemon…DELICIOUS


So, Martin!!

You have the book, for intriguing are the recipes… do they require special equipment and materials?

Oh, for the staff meals. I guess that means we don’t need a food dehydrator and liquid nitrogen? [wow.gif] [snort.gif]

Somehow that seems like a recipe that has to have been around Spain for a thousand years, what is his claim to it?

Paul, no special equipment&materials needed! The recipes are such down-to-earth. AND like me they made step-by-step photos. Strongly recommended this book!

touché Linda

Nice simple prep. Fine for him to promote classic types of dishes with maybe a different twist. He doesn’t have to own them to publish classic recipes(community use) I would think. Glad to see no frou-frou. Sounds great!

Thanks Martin…

P.S. great video about the book by the master himself

Thanks, Martin - this sounds delicious!
PS - the book is available at Amazon for $16.43 … a great deal!

I got this when it came out - the recipes are generally pretty straightforward, but the layout of the book is a little odd. Text is minimal, but it seems like there are about eight pictures per page animating the techniques.

P.S. Linda, the cookbook is such down-to-earth that you learn how to make “Caesar salad”. [haha.gif]

I don’t think he is making a claim to any of the recipes in the book. One of them is a hamburger. It just shows the techniques step by step for making all of the various family meals that they have done.

Going to the Asian seafood market this morning. I hope they have sardines!