Seattle Meetup - June 23rd, 5 pm, Seattle College Club

Don’t tempt me!!

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I’ve got you added!

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Can u pls add me as tentative yes (basically yes unless kids soccer conflicts and we won’t know tourney schedule until next Friday or sat.

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You’ve got it :slight_smile:

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Looks like we have a sizable group! We should be able to have 30 people including myself. I’ll bring some extra wine glasses but definitely having everyone bring their own would help a ton!


Also interested.

I would love to go but I have a prior engagement that day. Please do keep me in mind for the next one!

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If there is still room, I would like to join.

I’ve got you and @Ross_Jordan confirmed!

Details are at the top of the thread! :slight_smile:

Any space left, just seeing this and would like to join.

I would have joined but I’ll be out of town. Have a blast!



You’re in @Nicholas_C!

Shoot… sorry Robert…I’m out. :frowning:

1 hour soccer game, with a wholeeee day to play it… naturally they stuck us into the 5pm time slot… down near Tacoma. UGH.

Hope there’s a 2nd iteration /offshoots of this!

@Wil_Raley catch you another time dude!

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Next time :slight_smile:

We’ll do another one, I’m sure!!

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Please add a +1 to my name if possible
A fellow oenophile living on Bainbridge who is not on winebeserkers

I’d like to swing by for a bit. I won’t be able to stay long, but I’ll bring something fun and leave it and taste a few. I’ll be flying solo.

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We’ll see you there, @Brandon_R ! @Nicholas_C you’re all set!

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Looking forward to seeing everyone this weekend!


Just seeing this and interested, but can’t make it this time.


Hi Robert et al – I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat, so I am going to be cautious for both me and the rest of you and bow out of this afternoon. I am very sorry to miss it, and hope it is enough of a success that we can do another one. I am curious about the venue, as I do not live too far from it!