Seattle Bars

Heading to Seattle for a couple days for work. Any must-see beer stops while I’m in town?


If you switch beer for spirits I’d say Zig Zag is an absolute must. Unfortunately not as up on the Seattle beer scene. Hope others can chime in.

Not beer, but cocktails, from today’s Seattle Times:8

Canon is now the plac over Zig Zag, as Murray has moved to Canon.

Brouwer’s is an absolute must. Beveridge Place in West Seattle is worth hitting if you have a car. Collins Pub in downtown is one of my faves. Check out Seattle beer blog. The author (originally from Illinois like yourself)just listed their top 10. Really can’t go wrong with any of them.

And if you want a lust of breweries to hit, send me a note and I will tell you the good, bad and ugly.

Canon is very good, so is Tavern Law, Coterie Room, Vito’s, and re:public for cocktails.

This has more information than I could possibly type.

It did leave off a good pub in my neighborhood (N Capitol Hill) The Hop Vine.

P Hickner