
I just opened a big thread I hadn’t visited before. I’ll read though it when I have time, but is there a way jump to the end without slowly scrolling down?

Never mind; found it. Hit “last reply” in the “Summarize this topic” box

Here is the quickest way. Click on the time stamp of the most recent reply and you will be taken to that post (at the end of the thread). For example, for the thread below click on 11m to the right of LMD’s avatar/above his name.

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I’m still struggling with this. I just opened a 7 year old thread for the first time. On the leading page, I don’t see a “last reply”, “summarize this topic” or “the most recent reply”. How can I get to the end of the thread without an endless scroll? @ToddFrench , thanks for educating me here.

Warren ,
Click on the number on the bottom right that shows the post number. Like 16/321 ( you are looking at post 16 of 321 total posts).

On the right a scroll bar will pop up. There is a box on the line that shows where you are relative to all the posts. You can grab that box and pull it up or down to cover the real estate you want. Just drag it all the way to the bottom to see the most recent post

Thanks. Maybe I’m dense. I don’t see a post number on the bottom right. I can see the scroll bar if I hover on the right, but still have to scroll a while to get to the end.

Are you on the PC?
What I posted is for mobile

In PC the scroll bar is already there on the right side.
The part to grab with your mouse is shaded on the scroll line

I’m on a Mac Powerbook Pro. If I pull the scoll feature down, I can skip about ten days at a time. It’s still a lot of scrolling to get to the end of an old thread

Not the scroll bar on the far right. That gets you like 10 at a time

The scroll bar on the line directly under Oct 2016 in the photo

Grab the shaded part right near where is says Aug 3 and you can zip to the top in one fell swoop

Thanks for working with me. On my screen, all I see is the scolling line, not the date and numbers. If I hover over the right side, I get the regular scrolling. If I hover under the date, nothing happens. If I click on the date, I get a link to that post. No date scroll bar.

I just learned how to post a CT note yesterday with Brig’s Assistance. Maybe someone know the trick onthe Macbook Pro.

On my windows PC, the scroll bar is already there. maybe its the version of wineberserkers? Is there still a classic version? I’m using the newer version

To go directly to the very end of a thread, click the time stamp for the last post… in the example below, on the right edge of the screen click 22m right above Tony’s name.

When I do that on my Mac, I get a “share post” window.

I’m on a Mac, too.

Do this when you see list of all posts, not from within a post (that is when you get the option to share)

for example, 25m above your name below

Thank you! Now I have to run down the street naked shouting “Eureka!”. I kept trying to scroll from within a post, rather than from the list of all posts.

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Part of the issue is the theme you’ve chosen, which doesn’t have full functionality of the default theme. You have the retro theme (‘Get off my lawn!’ or ‘Edge of my lawn only!’) that was intended just for easing the transition, and thus doesn’t get all of the features and updates the other themes, particularly the default theme, do. I highly suggest switching in your Preference/Interface

Thanks Todd. I don’t recall setting it on “GOML”, but I’m now on WB Default.

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…but I did keep the Legacy color scheme, so I can stay a little retro…