Schrader Wines

Can someone please help me understand the main differences between all the different Schrader wines? For example, for To Kalon they have RBS, T6, CCS, MB etc. What are the high-level differences between these?


I was on the list for quite awhile. Winemaking wins over vineyard dirt imo here.
Maybe if you were to taste all them side by side (as the reviewers must do) compare/contrast could become clearer.

I certainly popped them and enjoyed, but I never saw how I could analyze the vineyards stylistically from the program.

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I have had many bottles of Schrader and enjoyed most. I have never had 2 side by side to directly compare, but stylistically they seem very similar. That said, I seem to prefer the RBS and CCS. I remember an interview with TRB some years back where he stated that a blend of the different wines wasn’t as good as keeping them separate and that was why there were so many separate bottlings from the vineyard.


I was on the list from 2006 and stop when Fred sold the business to the corporate guys.

Check this out about 3 years ago on Youtube: