Saxum release

I received the same. It says 4-6 years from signing up. I signed up a year and a half ago. By the time I get on the list, I may have found other things to buy and have lost interest. Already I have discovered other wine regions I am enjoying.

I think I signed up in 2009 and I got my first allocation this past Spring. So it’s probably not too far off.

Wow, had no clue the waitlist was that deep.

I’m in the same boat with you Scott. On the other hand, I did make the Scarecrow list. I am both glad and a little bummed as now my bank account will suffer, especially with so many great releases of late pileon

…which would be before 2010, which saw double-100 point + WOTY 2007 Saxum JBV. I’d guess the wait list ballooned after that.

Another rejection email [head-bang.gif]

Denined. I guess drown my sorrows by buying lots of other wine!

Crap. Just got the email.

DENIED! Oh well, maybe it’s a blessing in disguise… They politely informed me that it usually takes 4-6 years to get an allocation. Darn, guess I’ll throw my $$ at Burgundy and by the time I finally make the “List”, I won’t want to be on it. Yea, that probably won’t happen.

You never know. I need to start drinking what I’ve purchased to see if I want to keep buying. Sounds silly, but true.

Your absolutely right, but when it comes down to it and you pop that cork, I’m guessing you’ll finish that first sip with a smile on your face. Hopefully!

I have been on the list since the 2004 vintage. I love the wines but I just can’t justify the price anymore. I will be opening a spot for all of you on the waiting list unless I win the lottery. I wish Justin nothing but success but a some point, the price reaches a threshold at which you are no longer comfortable paying not matter what is in the bottle. After all - it is just fermented grape juice!!

If you can afford the wines, they are worth the tariff.

Yes, sad to still be wait listed, but now that I have learned there is this thing called the Internet, or something, I can now find these from you fine folks. Hehe…


Brian off topic but 2011 Panoplie coming soon.