
Wondering what people do for sanitizing equipment and barrels when you don’t have access to 180degree hot water.

I currently use sodium Percarbonate followed by citric acid for cleaning. But need to so a better job on sanitizing equipment. Looking for simple anf effective and i do not have and good options outside of considering using a Star San.

Tim, the percarbonate/citric thing works great. You just need to be clean, not sterile.

Agree with Hank, what you’re already doing should work fine. I generally toss a little metabisulfite into the citric solution too but I know others who don’t. I’ve been doing that for years and I know lots of other wineries with the same regimen for sanitizing winery equipment. Some will also use ozone if they have it but many small wineries do not. Why do you think you need to “better job on sanitizing equipment”?

You could finish up with PAA if you think you need another step.

I made a 2010 Las Madres syrah and I detect faint amounts of brett and I detect faint amounts of VA in a 2011 Pinot.

thanks for the input Hank, Ken and Linda!

Brett is really hard to get rid of in barrels because the yeast can in some cases form psuedomycelia and grow down into and between the wood staves. The best thing for barrels as far as Brett is concerned is steam.
As far as VA is concerned, there can be many many things that cause that, and sanitation is probably the least of them.

Thanks for the help on VA. Sounds like I can worry a little less!

Remember - ethanol is your friend.