San Francisco wine groups?

I’ve been a wine geek in San Francisco for nearly 30 years, and been involved with a number of online/offline groups through the years. WCWN in the 90s, BWE since the early 2000s, etc.

But my groups in San Francisco have fragmented and/or people have moved out of the City and I’m not doing enough wine dinners.

I see the City by City database, but should I be reaching out via DM to the whole list? I don’t see SF events on this board and I’d like to get more active in the SF wine community. I have a cellar full of aged Burgundy, Rhones and Bordeaux just waiting to be shared :slight_smile:


Listening in on this thread too :slight_smile:

Primarily based in the South Bay, but willing to travel up/down the peninsula for wine.

We are in the San Ramon Valley, and are always interested in meeting new people. I grew up on the Peninsula, and my wife in Marin County, so we both have strong Bay Area roots. And, anyone named Ed has to be a good person! :slight_smile:

As long as someone is willing to take the lead in organizing, I will be happy to join to meet new people. Preferably Friday or Saturday, but I can make a mid-week get-together work.

First time poster here :wave:

Anything ever come of this? Happy to try taking point to get something scheduled for people in SF!

Nope - nothing happened. Please take the lead!


If any of you are into Riesling, we have a fun group going in the East Bay. In fact, we have a meeting next Tuesday (01/07) at 6pm at Sichuan Style on Solano Ave in Albany/Berkeley.

Happy to see any/all of you there! Reply here or message me if interested.


East Bayer (with two little kids so tough to get out) following along here as well. Might give the riesling group a shot one of these days if possible but can’t swing it tomorrow and don’t have a single noteworthy riesling in any event!

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I’d love to join a future EB Riesling dinner. This week has is rough so I’ll have to sit out for the next one.

For SF, how do people feel about something leading up to Berserker Day (sometime between Jan 25 - 31st)? If you’re interested give this form a go or just DM me your response.

Also letting @Andrew_L3 know about the fun since he flagged himself as game to help pull these things together in the DB thread

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@J_P_Cart @julianr

Going to add you guys to our group thread so you can join in on the fun! :metal::clinking_glasses:

We already have our first SF meeting scheduled for Feb (first wait-list!) and locking down our next East Bay meeting. Welcome!

Could you please add me as well to your SF group list?

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Of course! :pray::clinking_glasses:

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Awesome, thank you @Colby_Scott!

For people who RSVP’ed from this thread, the date that looks to work for everyone is Friday Jan 31st, Berserker Day! I’m asking about some restaurants and will post an update soon, but for now pencil in the 31st :+1:

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hi all - Mission/Hayes here. happy to host or join SF / or SF Bay area events.
please add me to the list!

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Hi everyone!

@Ed_Baum just helped us get a table for 6 on 1/31 at Delfina with a flat fee corkage of $100 for as many bottles as we want to bring, great job, thank you Ed!

Attendees so far are (Updated Jan 21):


Looking forward to seeing you on Friday the 31st!

I’ll reach out to Delfina but I think we should be able to extend to 7. I’ll confirm back here. @JamesW - just confirming you are in if I can get the reservation extended to 7 people.

The reservation is for 6:30 PM at Delfina (the original restaurant at 3621 18th St. in the Mission).

Do we have a theme? What are people thinking they will bring?

Yes confirmed! I used to work at Delfina Palo Alto :smiley:

If Delfina - how about we themed it italian reds?

So sorry! I have to fly out of town on 1/31 for work, so maybe James can take my spot instead?

I think we have things nailed then - @JamesW will take @Jay_K 's spot and we continue to be 6.

Italian reds works for me as a theme.

I’m looking forward to this and meeting all of you!

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Please share pics – hope this goes well so there’s a next one which I can make :smiley:

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