SALE: $5 Zalto Red Burgundy Glass

not that i have any more room in my cabinets, but i’m now in for 4 of them. thanks for the tip! :slight_smile:

That’s what I’m doing! They make an impressive gift! I bought 31 to keep and to give and none of them wobble.

The bowls are closer in size than the comparison photo suggests. Quality wise I think they approach Vinum.

I found the nose a little more forward in the Zalto, perhaps, but the difference was subtle – maybe due to my nose being closer to the wine because of the shorter bowl. No real difference on the palate that I could tell.

Yes, I just took a closer look at my photo and I agree with you. I don’t think the angle of the camera was perfectly parallel to the line of glasses. Sorry about that.


Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like it performs well.

I posted about these back in in June or July in the Zalto thread. I purchased two. I think they’re pretty good, and at $7, hard to beat. But I just can’t stop using the Universal Zalto.

Okay…enough already…I’m in for 6.

Seems to be functioning on its first road test. A bit top-heavy, but fun to use, and concentrates aromas nicely.

Bottle looks like it might wobble. blush [wink.gif]

Amen brother Jeb!! I like a good deal as much as the next guy, but the Universal Zalto is truly a game changer.

my glasses arrived today!! the bowl is much bigger than the pictures show, but they’re beautiful! (haven’t tried drinking out of them yet). so now i’m really in trouble, because i have no room for them… and i think i want 4 more (i bought 4). so far i don’t see any wobbling! cheers! [cheers.gif]

I bought some white & red unseen. The reds are nice, but the whites are small.

I walked down to the store and bought 3 reds and 3 whites. I haven’t tried the whites yet but think they will work well at bigger tastings where I tend to take smaller pours. And for whites. I like the shape of the red glass but it is just too big. I’d like a glass with that exact shape and about 3/4ths the size.

Just got my order today. 6 reds & 6 whites. Jeez, these were taller than I’d expected. Not enough room in the kitchen cabinets for them. Have no idea where I’ll wind up keeping them. Still, they’re a lot nicer than my last set of C&B wine glasses, and they even feel a bit better than my Schott Zwiesels. One of the whites wobbles a little, but probably not enough for me to deal with trying to ship it back. Someday, when I’m rollin’ in the dough, I’ll probably spring for some Zaltos, but these will have to do until then.

6 reds no wobblers

I bought 6 reds and 6 whites to take to my mom’s place for the holidays. That way I will have something better than the thick rimmed Libbey glasses. I know a little snotty but I like decent stemware with the wines we share.

I picked up six reds, hoping they would come in a reusable box, they did not. Two had minor blemishes but none wobbled. A decent glass for the price and free shipping was great. I’m content.

These things are ridiculously huge. Seriously.

I’ll try them tonight at dinner

Tried it last night - quite liked the glass with a Calera Pinot - good feel overall. Not fragile but still elegant enough a feel. Glad I bought some.

I like the glasses as well but they are large; I’ll keep 8 and re-gift the remaining. These are great glasses to break out when having non wine geek guests over.

Haven’t tried the whites yet, but the reds are very nice QPR, maybe just a bit top heavy for my liking. Can anyone post a pic comparison of the Zalto universal vs. the C&B red? Going to get some Zalto for Christmas, just can’t decide if I want the universal or burg stems.