
Got any tips?

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Cold cold cold bottle.
Find the seam and run the saber/knive up it. Don’t half-ass your stroke.


A friend of mine severed a tendon in their hand doing this wrong. Maybe just open the bottle the normal way?


In all seriousness, it looks awesome, but is there actually any reason to do this?
Like a real benefit to it?


“it looks awesome” is the actual reason to do this. That’s it. Everything else about it is impractical and more harmful than simply opening it the proper way.


Indeed. A giant knife plus alcohol. What could go wrong?
This sounds like one of those situations where numerous things can happen, but only one of them is good.


….And you can literally do it with a butter knife.

But as noted once you realize that it doesn’t Look awesome anymore.

Seriously don’t go with a sharp knife because that doesn’t help anything except increasing one’s risk of going to the ER. Sharp blade attempts (stupidly) are done with the backside, but why even bring that into the equation.

If you just want to give it a try buy a $10 Cava and give it a go with a really dull object, no reason on a fine wine though. Hold with your thumb in the punt. Don’t ever attempt on the 3rd bottle or at 1am when this question was asked :slight_smile:

Wipe the edges with a cloth after as there will be shards of fine glass hanging on that you don’t want in your glass.
Don’t even think of attempting with someone filming you, I’ve read the stats, the percentage of catastrophic failure happens to be 837% worse.

(Can you tell I’ve never attempted it :joy:)


It’s so much fun and looks really cool. Of course: be careful, not when intoxicated, traditional method bubbly at full pressure only (no Prosecco), and make sure the bottle is extremely cold all the way through. I’ve done this dozens of times. The only problem was once when the bottle wasn’t cold enough. I guess that goes to another rule: if it doesn’t happen the first time, just remove the cork. It should work without a whole lot of force.

I do recommend using a metal blade (dull side, of course).

Interesting, I have never seen this. Every time I see such a clean break that there are no shards at all. The top fits perfectly back on the base. Plus, I would think the pressure would blow anything off that was on top and loose. I guess this doesn’t hurt, though.


Outside of what’s been said I’d just add that like a punch, envision that the end point is a couple of inches beyond where you’re hitting. The sabre/knife/etc should follow through, not stop with hitting the cork/cage/glass rim being the end of the motion.

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Shards is probably not the best term. When I have done it though the glass has (not always) cracked in like a circular shard. Like a thin slice of 1/2 around the bottle. Think like a thin waxing or waning crescent moon shape, but again not always…just something I’ve encountered.


I chuckled a little when I saw this note on CT the other day. I enjoy champagne too much to risk losing a couple drops let alone more than that + a hand or something. That’s just me though!


I was taught to open the bottle like a nun’s fart. That’s old school I guess lol

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Never understood Sabrage. Always seemed dangerous, wasteful and unnecessary. Not a fan but I am also now the man yelling at clouds I guess.


and something I will now watch out for!

As has been said, follow through with the stroke and it’s dead easy.

Do watch out for the top of the bottle/severed section as the edge is usually razor sharp. Easy to forget when going round collecting the tops or sorting recycling.

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The preferred way to open a bottle if you’re (a) a rich kid on your parent’s yacht holding a bottle of Lenny Kravitz Dom or (b) already drunk. Either way, a bad idea or douche-y move…

What not to do:

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Flip the bottle over in the ice bucket so the neck gets extremely cold. Strike with force at the seam on the bottle and you’ll have no issues.

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Nun fart is the real way to go!