Roy Piper Cabernet Tasting (13, 14, and 15)

I haven’t tasted the wine but I do think he should get a few extra points for his blog/videos.

the beard is now five times longer I might add …

we all agree Roy makes some of the best wine in the World… I do hope all this posting has helped him sell a few more bottles, then again with wine as great as Roy’s it sells itself once tasted, we can all agree on this point …

I feel very passionate about wine scores, as you can tell … especially when someone has worked as hard as Roy to not rush production and never cut corners…

how about Roy’s bottle … a replica of a hand blown bottle … look at the shape of it, it’s a beauty and shows even more detail to the little things that bring about perfection in the bottle …





Dude you have over 10,000 posts and you still can’t get the quotes right …maybe the next 10,000 you will get the ability … hang in there buddy … [snort.gif]





Dude you have over 10,000 posts and you still can’t get the quotes right …maybe the next 10,000 you will get the ability … hang in there buddy … [snort.gif]

Now back to Roy’s bottle … How many of you understood that detail of his work ???

Salute !!!

John - you’ve been a member for 7 years and still are duplicate posting.

Hang in there yourself buddy! Maybe in the next 7 years you’ll develop some humility. [snort.gif] [snort.gif]

sometimes … people who are hard of seeing need to see things twice, so I was helping the old fellow out… Salute !!! [dance-clap.gif] [dance-clap.gif] [rofl.gif]

i have had the pleasure of drinking one bottle of Piper cab and spend a lot of time thinking about the next time I will get to do that.


It is so good that it renders condescending numerical arguments moot!

John, the manner in which you tell someone you like a particular wine more than they do could sure use some polish. Some might be inclined to call your post condescending or even downright rude.

I am pleased to read that both of you enjoyed Roy’s wine very much.


I see your point and that was not the intention at all… just finished crushing, tired …

back to Roy’s wine … as you can tell I feel very strongly that Roy has entered the perfection zone… when someone see’s this they become passionate about the notes reflecting the score… too many times people have the WOTY and explain the wine, yet the score does not jive with the points attached… being NAPA lives by the point system like no other AVA, I feel strongly about points and as note I agree worded very poorly, my bad… I apologize for offending the reviewer … my point is the review did not match the points in relation to the scored wines I have tasted in that arena…

and yes we both love Roy’s wine and that is the bottom line…

Salute !!!~

Ahhhh points!!!

This looks like a great “oppertunity”…
Screen Shot 2016-09-29 at 12.24.07 PM.png

Hey, now. One man’s 'opportunit’y is another man’s ‘oppertunity.’

Are you a professional speller or in the spelling business, or something?

and it is a company that has made money from inception… no losses… show me another winery that did this … I have commitments of $500,000 thus far and have not taken any money until we get the $1,000,000 that is our target … this is for estate planing so my daughter can operate this as a bigger company without bank debt… we do not have any bank debt and it’s going to stay that way …

spelling was never important in my life … knowing that people are evil, and snide is a bigger problem…

Salute !!!

I like this new era of doubling down.

Funny that “opportunity” is spelled correctly in the left hand column. [snort.gif]

Anyway, a semi-boring thread became tons of fun!

Wow. Such a well intended thread done honestly just pissed on by another ‘I’m in the business and you’re doing it wrong you ’ wacko.
I’ll take the ’ Average persons’ opinion any day. Every day.
My daughter is in 5th year pharmacy school at St John’s. If nothing else this mis-guided intrusion only makes me feel good about her choice as she will most certainly remain busy her whole career.

I have yet to try a Piper wine and hope to soon. I hear good things. Justin, thanks for the notes.

You will love it.

In fact, I told my wife when we opened the bottle we have tried, “We are Pobegaing this wine.”

So, even my wife is aware of your greatness! [cheers.gif]

So good, even an amateur dumb ass non-professional who does not have cellar palate can tell.

Perhaps if Justin could work something in about the size of his assets, or something? That might help. deadhorse

+1 ! [cheers.gif]

Yes, but would your non-cellar-palate rate it 95 good or 99 good?