RhoneRangers Seminars Up

They have posted the two seminars that will be held at RhoneRangers at CranewayPavillon on March 28:

One will be Roses made from Rhone varieties. The other, more interesting, will be on American Rhones: How Well Do They Age?
This will, presumably be examples of some older American Rhones.

They did a similar seminar about 3 yrs ago at FtMason RhoneRangers. Alas, they did not bother to decant any of those old Syrahs. So most of the folks received pours that were loaded w/ gritty sediment. It should have been obvious to the panelists from where they sat. I raised the issue w/ the panel moderator, Karen McNeil, during the seminar, but she just casually dismissed my concern as unimportant. I suspect they will not decant those wines again this yr as well. So be forewarned.
