Restaurant Server Pet Peeves

This is one of my big peeves. I know what restaurants I frequent that do this and I will manage the server. Turn in my appetizer. After I receive it then and only then I turn in my entree order.

This drives me absolutely nuts.

AND - bringing my main course while I am still eating my salad or appetizer. I don’t care if the chef jumped the gun or what, but this is a huge no no. It’s one thing for an inexpensive restaurant to do this - but upscale restaurants have no excuses. If you are going to charge the big bucks, back it up with service.

It’s a service business what the hell else should I call them? Order takers? Salesmen? Delivery people?

How about asking the waiter for their recommendation for their favorite dish on the menu (I don’t do this of course…which is probably another thread in itself…Restaurant Patron Pet Peeves…like why on earth should I care what some random person I just met twenty seconds ago thinks I should eat unless they have inside knowledge of unsafe storage of scallops or that the goose on the menu was sourced from the golf course) and it never fails that they recommend the two most expensive items on the menu.

When I can’t decide between two, and I inevitably ask for an opinion of the server (who likely may have tried both), I almost ALWAYS get ‘they’re both good’ and right there I’m done with them. To a server who actually gives feedback based on which they prefer, and why, the tip reflects it.

Hey buddy, start your own thread! :wink:

I certainly dislike the term waiter.

Tell me the price of the specials.

and +1 to
clearing dishes before everyone is done, stacking apps and mains.



That’s a California problem. The New York version. I ask all the time and tell the waiter up front that I do not want some bullshit everything is good response, which he should save for the tourists. I always get good advice. Every once in a while I do not listen to the waiter, and I almost always regret it.

This actually happened at The Palm a few years ago to my friend the British Barrister. He asked the waiter, “I’m undecided on whether I should get the filet mignon or the boneless rib steak. Which should I get?” The waiter responded that the boneless rib steak had more marbled fat, which meant it was juicier and more flavorful. My friend said, “OK, I’ll have the filet mignon.” At which point the waiter said, “Ok, the gentleman will have the steak with less flavor.” I laughed and told the waiter to ignore my friend and bring him the boneless rib steak.

Then there is the Pastrami guy at Katz’s. I order a Pastrami sandwich. He asks, “Do you want it lean?” My rather loud response, “Do I look like a tourist?”

This one used to be tops for me. But who the hell carries cash these days? It has been 20 years since this has been an issue for me, but was out with my family and I had a free ride but this happened to the person picking up the check.


I was second in line for takeout at the Carnegie a long time ago (as will be obvious) and the woman in front of me asked the counter guy “I can’t decide between the turkey and the tuna fish; what should I get” and without missing a beat he deadpanned “something at the Stage.”

I’ve had this happen a few times and it always hacks me off. It starts when a server/waiter/waitress/foodbringerperson drops off the check before we’re even done eating. Then, as if that isn’t frustrating enough, they come by and pick it up (it’s in the exact same spot they left it), open the little book thing to check if I’ve paid yet, and then put it back down saying, “Oh, I’m sorry, please take your time…”

Don’t forget -

Asking waiter for recommendation and their response is…“well, the most popular thing is…”

People who never have their credit cards compromised.


Well done.


Not exclusively restaurant servers, as this is more a grammatical annoyance, spanning a broad array of the service industry:

“How is everybody doing today?”

My reply typically is: “I’m not sure how everybody is doing, but we’re quite well, thanks”

This is where I am too. I don’t even mind a slow kitchen (within reason) but a server that disappears really annoys me.

“People in Syria are doing poorly. People in PR are f*cking miserable. Homeless people are seriously unhappy.”