Remote control helicopter/quadricopter video of vineyard

Peter Cargasacchi’s repost of the recent model helicopter tragedy made me think about those (much safer) quadricopters like Brookstone sells, which have video cameras built in, and I wonder if any vineyard managers or farmers or winery owners have thought to use them for checking out the vines or just taking cool photos?|SubCategoryWidget|786406p&catId=|SubCategoryWidget|856004p&catId=

It would be a super fun toy, if nothing else, but it seems like it might be really handy.

My wife, Heather, was working with some researchers developing drones for vineyard monitoring. She works with a big vineyard.

Are they much different than these types of copters that have built in digital cameras?

Amazing what can be done with digital video and photo these days, really.

Ordering one of these tonight:

I’m coming to play with it! There will be some beautiful burgundy harvest videos coming out this year. Just wonder what the vendangers will think of it.

Check this publication:
D. Turner, A Lucieer, C Watson.
Development of an unmanned aerial vehicle for hyper resolution vineyard mapping based on visible multispectal and thermal imagery.