Red Burg Food Pairings

Ok so we have lots of amateur (and not so amateur) cooks on the forum and I am curious about your favorite food pairings with specific red Burgs. You can be as specific as village/producer or even narrow to it down to vineyard. I’ll start
Roast Capon and a tart red cherry sauce with Corton Marechaudes (always love that basket of cherry aroma)

This is both curiosity and research–I’m planning a multi course Burg meal.

Roasted squab and Griottes Chambertin.

I think this thread belongs in another forum, but while it’s here I have found fruity and/or young Bourgogne (especially from the Côte de Beaune) to have great affinity with grilled wild Salmon. Noble Côte de Nuits Crus, but also aged top Volnay and more generally wines with tertiary characteristics from bottle aging do well with roe (chevreuil) and game birds, even Bresse chicken and also dishes based around mushrooms.
Of course, sauces, marinades and accompaniments are usually far more of a determining factor when it comes to the choice of the accompanying wine than the main ingredient. While on the subject; I’m sorry to upset you, Scott… but that cherry sauce isn’t doing the Corton any favours, nor will it any other dry table wine you’d care to put beside it.

Simple roast chicken is hard to beat with Burgundy of just about any kind. Serious Cote de Nuits with a bit of age (or more) does very well with lamb, too.

In generally I really like anything decent from Gevrey Chambertin with a rack of lamb or even steak. If I was to pick a wine that springs to mind as really improving with a pairing like this, I find Joseph Roty’s Fonteny really improves with something like lamb. I would imagine this is true of the rest of his wines although I haven’t had enough of them to really see. Agree with John that roast chicken is pretty good with anything. I really like that pairing with something from Vosne or Chambolle. I think fish and red burgundy pairings can be very interesting. Most red burgundy and duck can go well together.

This all being said, in general I could drink red burgundy with pretty much anything (same with white burgundy). I’m not as bad as the port and sushi crowd but if a bottle is really screaming “pull me”, I’ll do it regardless of what I’m eating! As a result I’m not quite at the stage where I’d pick specific marinades to go with the particular burgundy I want to drink.

For me, duck and red burgundy has often been a magical pairing.


Duck Confit - is there really something else that could compare?

Mike, I don’t think , except for the salmon and mushrooms, you can buy any of your foods in the US…

we here have to find other stuff, like Epoisses…and that family of cheese.

Duck, yes, confit,no. Its saltiness and preserved aspect seem to me to need much more tannin. Nor am I convinced by lamb for most Burgundies though with tough ones it does admirably. Game birds,chicken, beef, pork and particularly veal are ideal, and all the old fashioned French ham dishes are superb. A gratin of potatoes with cepes served as a separate course is startlingly good, as is a gratin of fennel, cream and parmesan. Grand wine needs food that is equally grand but also fairly plain.

We enjoy Burgundy with Peking duck or roast pigeon/squab, braised pork belly, and abalone with mushrooms. Earthy flavors can be a great match.

Thanks all
Mike–my bad on the forum placement. I simply wasn’t thinking (although I guess I’m asking wine as well as food questions).
So far my menu potentially includes tea-brined and smoked duck breast, rotisserie of venison (chevreuil), roast squab. No pork…yet [snort.gif]
Who wants to begin assigning wines?

Red burgundy and everything! Oh, ok, Copper River Salmon. And rack of lamb. And salmon stuffed rack of lamb.

You stuff lamb with salmon??? I’m reminded of the twelfth century Chinese delicacy of horse cooked in dog fat.


Don’t beat yourself up over it; it’s not as if you’re the only person who has done so recently. As to assigning wines, that would be pointless without knowing the full dishes, including all ingredients and exact preparations. Even more important, I’d have to know the balance on the plate and even then, without actually tasting the dishes and wines myself it could never be more than an estimation. However, Tom gave you a very good general guideline at the end of post #10 which I suggest adhering to.

rack of pork, brined with garlic, rosemary, thyme and fennel seed, roasted over a bed of sliced fennel and the garlic cloves from the brine, which are then carmelized on top of the stove while the rack is resting to be sliced.

or a good roast chicken - or rabbit but it’s too expensive

Roasted a suckling pig in this fashion. Went very well with Vosne and Chambolle.

Will take your rack of pork idea for Sunday dinner though!

Don’t know that I go so far as to associate specific wines with specific dishes. I generally tend to think in terms of heavier, lighter, animale notes, etc. But I’m most fond of roasted chicken with almost any red burgundy. Chicken sautes, usually with mushrooms, red wine, etc. with medium to lighter ones, e.g. burgougne rouge,, most village wines etc. Roast duck with mid weight burgs. With heavier burgs, steak, roasts, and even legs of lamb. But if I had one go to dish, it would be roast chicken.

Our usual pairing is simple roast chicken or chicken breast with goat cheese and basil leaves stuffed under the skin. But someone just gave us some frozen duck breast so we’ll see what’s up with that.

I agree lamb isn’t a great match with chambolle/vosne/etc…but I think it goes well with nuits st. georges (I’m guessing pommard and clos de vougeot as well, and gevrey perhaps?).