Recommendations Similar to PGC Berserker’s Cuvée

Doh! That’s what I get for replying on my phone while reviewing a contract on the laptop. I must have clauses on the brain.

Ok. The email has gone out. Offer is live on the website although easier to access directly through a link in the email. Good luck. We tested it and it worked fine. If there are issues email me directly at

Thank you for the offer Jim. Order in. Just one case, didn’t want to feel greedy

Email received and a 6 pack ordered, also trying to share the wealth.

Wow - this is a great deal and thank you again Jim for putting this together and going above and beyond. Just placed my order and am very excited!

Admittedly, I was a bit greedier (sorry!)… Gotta keep the girlfriend happy.

Jim- The shipping charges still show up. Should we just place the order and then wait for it to be credited back?

Folks. If you order more than a case it will show shipping charges. We will take that out on the backend. It’s just a non-fixable glitch in our shopping cart software which is not super adept at handling situations like this. All order amounts will be processed correctly.

Thanks, this is a crazy deal. When ordering be sure to change shipping to UPS ground to get free shipping, unless you’re name is Jay.

I think the flow has sort of screwed up the cart’s ability to process things correctly. No shipping charges will be added even if the site is saying so. We manually check everything before the charge actually occurs. Sorry for the hiccup. Seems as though not everyone is experiencing that though.

I accidentally forgot to change it from pickup to shipping. I sent Margaret an email on another (potential) shopping cart issue as well - just want to make sure you don’t end up losing money on a favor to us here.

Can’t say enough how much I appreciate your doing this for us.

In for a case and Tom is correct up above- I needed to change to UPS to $0 out the shipping. Thank you Jim for the offer.

Shipping showed when Fedex was supplying shipping. When I switched to UPS shipping charges went away. I prefer UPS.

In for a case. Super deal!

If we want to add in some other bottles, can you combine shipping? Or just do a separate order?

Will be in for a case whenever I get a moment. Thank you guys for the generous offer.

I think the easiest thing is either email Margaret at or call her at 503-554-0821.

Folks, hate to say (love to say from one perspective) that you all responded in the very affirmative. So…


Bravo Jim! Great offer and great results!

Thanks, glad I saw this in time.
I also appreciate your willingness to extend these types of offers, and hope it is working out for you as well.