Realm Spring Release

Finally pulled the trigger on my To Kalon and Dr. Crane allocation last night.

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Nothing in spring for me this year. I’ll await fall.

In for 4 Fidelio. Love this wine.

Wished for 3 Rose, 1 Farella, 1 Houyi, first time buyer. Fingers crossed…

In for 1 Fidelio, 2 Farella and 1 Dr. Crane.

Looks like they left the release open an extra day if anyone didn’t get an order in.

took my 1 fidelio i was offered, wished for more and wished for some rosé. feel my palate is too amateur to spend the money on the big boys, but may open a vintage Bard soon!

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Some cool photos floating around IG of Realm’s new space

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Just got notice that my wishes came through. Excited to try these, are the Fidelio and Rose pretty much “drink now” wines?

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Mine just came through too. Thanks Scott! I hope to see you all in May. On the wait list for a visit, crossing my fingers! Thanks again!

Wow. Did not think that ALL of my wishlist requests would be granted! Both excited (!!) and a bit dismayed for my wine budget that was just obliterated, lol. But I wished for what I wanted, so hey, that’s great and I will have to make some cuts in other areas for the remainder of this year.

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You aren’t alone.

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Same! Makes the decision easier for other allocations I was on the fence about. Very happy, though, that the WL was fully granted. Like you said, nothing I didn’t want!

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Yup - I’ve been waiting to hear about these wishlist requests before making some purchases I was considering. Those other purchases will just have to wait until next year now. Made these decisions easy.

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3/3 wish granted for both To Kalon and Crane. Totally unexpected; first time being allocated these wine!

Got 3/3 dr crane and 6/6 rose off the wishlist

Thanks for the support everyone. We increased wish requests for some wines mid-release and it seems to have worked well for most folks. Couldn’t quite fulfill all Farella, Realm x Nine Suns or Houyi requests but we did the best we could to spread around. Holding guaranteed allocations for Crane and To Kalon tighter at the beginning and relaxing wish availability later also seems to smooth things out. Excited to get these wines into your hands!

@C_Martinelli I’ve tasted 2017 Fidelio recently and it’s still showing well. If you want all the vibrancy and fruit intensity, drink in the first couple of years…but it’ll hold well beyond that. Who knows on the Rose?!? We’ve only made it once before. Tasted our 2020 the other day and it’s still good but not as sexy as it was upon release. I’d probably drink the Rose within the first year or two max.


Update. Got the email. Wish granted! Sweet

Wish list requests for a mag each of To Kalon and Dr. Crane (plus an additional 750ml bottle of Dr. Crane) granted. Thanks @scott.becker !!

Whelp, I started this thread having second thoughts about this release… a mortgage payment+ later and I more or less maxed my allocation with a couple wishes that came through. Honestly it was @scott.becker 's candor and participation that kept me engaged - Thank you for that, it really means a lot as a collector.