Quick TN: 2009 Kosta Browne Sonoma Coast

Quick back-story - I used to really like KB starting with the 2005 vintage, but I’ve since stopped drinking as much pinot (i.e., I pretty much drink no pinot these days) and dropped off the list after the 2010 vintage. Figured I better start drinking the few CA pinots I have left, as they’re probably not going to be getting any better.

P&P, and the heavy bricking along the edges and the somewhat “old” (for CA pinot anyway) smell initially validates my lack of consumption with the grape these days. After a quick 5 minutes, this is a bird of another color, and I actually really, really enjoyed it. Signature KB Cola (probably the most prominent flavor), sassafras, and some slightly darker blue “pinot flavors”. Medium plus body, and a really solid finish.

I was seriously expecting to not care for this much at all, but was very pleasantly surprised. Wine of the year material? Not sure, but I really enjoyed it and it ALMOST makes me second guess dropping from the list (almost). I’ll drink my last bottle this year as I’m pretty sure this will not be getting any better.

Higher octane Pinots seem to me to be best between release and 5 years. When KB gets it right, it is so yummy when young.

Interesting, this sort of goes against the grain of aging big Cali pinots. You think that drinking young applies only to the big flavour wines with limited tannins like KB or would you also say that more tannic wines like Pisoni estate should be consumed young ?