Pudding River winery

Is anyone familiar with this winery and or wines. Someone has donated a 6 pack in our kids school auction and I couldn’t really find anything about them. Oh, they are located in Oregon. TIA

They have a website, but never tried 'em.

Wow, quite a donation…typically selling for $7 per bottle on wine-searcher.com

Ok, ok - all donations are good donations.

Thanks. I did find their site, but was hoping to find some other info like TN notes or if anyone has even tasted or heard of them.

I live here and I’d never heard of them. Doesn’t look as though their vineyards are ideally sited, though, being right at 200 feet of elevation. All the better vineyards in the valley are planted on hillsides above 200 feet, as that’s the sort of fuzzy line of demarcation between the too-rich soils deposited by the Missoula Floods and the poorer volcanic and ocean sediment soils in the hills.

I’ve had some nice white wines from Pudding River. Can’t remember any reds or what I thought of them. Michael Alberty had this producer’s wines at Storyteller a few years back.