"This is a highly anticipated Sake tasting that we are having at Hi-Time, and I would like to extend an invite to Berserkers. On Wednesday, from 6-8pm at the Hi-Time Winebar, we will be trying ten different Sakes, ranging in tastes from dry as a Martini, to a sake tasting like you’ve just bit in to a slice of fresh cantaloupe, to the ethereal, to the best plum wine I’ve ever had. All of the Sakes are limited and highly regarded, so it is an honor to have these available to our customers.
If you want to gain a quick appreciation of the painstaking process of making Sake, check out the movie, “The Birth of Sake” (available on Netflix). For some small-production Sakes, like the ones we will be tasting, the workers live at the Sake brewery, away from their families for 6 months out of the year in spartan communal settings, tending to the Sake around the clock. There’s a lot of personal sacrifice that goes into this craft which we rarely consider… it’s fascinating. We will also be tasting two sakes from the brewery featured in the movie.
The tasting will cost $20 and will include snacks. Mention to me that you are a Berserker, and receive $5 off your tasting. Seating is first come, first served, no reservations required.
Here is the line-up of what we will be tasting:
Koshi no Kanbai Ginjo “Tokusen” (Vanishing Point)
Dewazakura Ginjo “Izumi Judan” (Tenth Degree)
Dewazakura Ginjo “Oka” (Cherry Bouquet)
Kokuryu Junmai “Kuzuryu” (Nine-Headed Dragon)
Kokuryu Junmai Ginjo (Black Dragon)
Kokuryu Junmai Daiginjo “Ryu” (Gold Dragon)
Dewazakura Junmai Daiginjo “Ichiro” (Abbey Road)
Tedorigawa Junmai Daiginjo “Iki na Onna” (Lady Luck)
Tedorigawa Nama Daiginjo “Kinka” (Gold Blossom)
Tamagawa “Kinsho” (Heart of Gold)
Kamoizumi “Umeshu” (Umelicious, plum wine)
Hi-Time Wine Cellars
250 Ogle Street, Costa Mesa"
Thank you for posting this, Todd!
The tasting will be this coming Wednesday, May 18th.
I am super-excited about this tasting, and hope Berserkers can make it. For those who are new to Sake, this is an excellent introduction and may set the bar. Sake gets overlooked often, but I think this community will appreciate what we have to offer. Look forward to seeing you there.
I plan to come down for the tasting. FWIW, the “Black Dragon” is one of the best sakes I’ve tasted.
I love sake. Sorry I don’t live closer.
Guess I gotta head out of the office early tomorrow!
Looking forward to seeing you there, David, and Bruce you too! Suzanne, you know I already miss you.
These are all fantastic, interesting Sakes. Before the tasting, I will be running around the store per usual, but just page me if you happen to arrive early and I’ll get you set-up and stuff.
We will also have Tassho Pearce present, who is our Sake rep. He is GREAT. Looking forward to seeing some new and familiar faces!!
Great tasting experience!
Was nice to meet you Veronica & Bruce.
Great meeting you David!!
Bruce, THANK YOU for making the drive, and hope you enjoyed the show.
Rob, Good to see you and Thank you for making it right after your travels up north. Thanks all for making it a great event!! I’m so glad you had a chance to taste the Sakes, and Tassho our rep was a champion. A fun night for sure!
Hugs to all. Cheers!!
David–Very nice meeting you as well. Would certainly consider an offline, although NOT a drive on the 405 to OC during the work week (ugh!).
Veronica–thanks again, and now I may have to track down that sake documentary; what was the name of it? A really interesting and educational tasting; always fun to taste through very different styles of sake!
Hi Bruce!
The name of the movie is The Birth of Sake. It is available on Netflix and on iTunes.
Here’s the trailer…
[video]- YouTube
Tassho, our sales rep spent some time working at the brewery featured in the movie. He was surprised to learn that the film was already out. We had some great positive responses about the tasting.
That was lots of fun! I’m glad you were able to be a part of it. I’m wondering how to top our Sake tasting next month.