Producer of Sierra Carche goes into receivership

I wonder who tweeted about this first…

According to the post, it was self-requested receivership.

Is there a difference between being forced or doing it yourself? I think the end result is the same…



Are they selling off any of those “good” bottles - #51575 of 50933 or whichever?


This is pretty rich…

Ah… this makes me nostalgic. Will we ever enjoy such mirth again?

Actually, based on that photo album of Dr. Miller, the answer is a resounding yes!

He’s going to have a hard time denying that he takes free meals.

Livin’ large.

Parker expressed outrage at the ‘outright lies’ in the article, claiming, among other things, that Jay was only paid 15,000 Euros. For a speech. Like Jancis Robinson and Gary V. get paid for speeches. Was Jay getting paid 15,000 Euros for speeches and being wined and dined before his bestest buddy Bob plucked him from the obscurity of his failing wine shop and gave him the Wine Advocate gig?

Wow, that’s a pretty good speech rate! Over $20k to give a speech on wine!!

Hey Australia - I’m available!

I cannot comment on his honorarium for his talks, but the photos with Pancho just shows how Spaniards party (with or without Jay Miller). With those big fiestas, you will go from bar to bar and join up with friends who have rented out a place or they may have chiringuitos (booths serving various tapas and wine, beer) and one person invites at one and another at a different place. The pictures look to me like he had a good time, good for him. We have been to ferias where we never paid for a single drink, it is all about having fun.

Or that he has missed any meals. Or that he sometimes polishes off his own plate and then tucks into whatever is left on his dining companions’ plates. Except, of course, when is dining companion is The Emperor of Wine. Spearing a piece of his 45-day aged prime rib cap will get you a fork planted in your hand!

Aaaaah, the Sierra Carche and Pico Madama. The two most drastically overrated wines I have ever had. Not worth $5 for sauce.

Parker also made a note of “where is the conflict of interest?”

The photo albums are pretty telling…

I’ve finally come to the conclusion that Parker just doesn’t get that Jay is merely and exclusively a creation of his (Parker’s) hubris with zero standing, credibility, or influence of his (Jay’s) own. Sadly, for readers of The Wine Advocate and former participants on his Board, Parker has chosen loyalty to his friend over loyalty to his subscribers.

I found it interesting and telling that the first person to offer a link to a translation of the Spanish article was Mark Squires. Res Ipsa Loquiter.

+1, well said. The comparison with Jancis Robinson (“she gets paid to speak, so it’s OK for Jay”) is particularly delusional, as if there were any comparison in terms of knowledge, prestige, etc. The comparison with Gary V. is more apt, he’s a huckster, but doesn’t claim to be anything else.


Livin’ large.

To Professor Klapp,
Scenes from the Boar’s Head Tavern???

Remember when Parker saw himself as the Ralph Nader of wine?

And look what’s become of Ralph Nader.