Potato Chips - What's your Favorite?

I strongly prefer plain salted chips to pretty much any flavored chip, though I have the occasional craving for Lay’s classic BBQ chips. My current favorite is Simply Lay’s, a thicker chip with good potato flavor. I agree with those who have noted that Lay’s Kettle are surprisingly good for a mass product and I find them to have less of a greasy finish and thus more pleasant than most of the other kettle chips, including Zapp’s and Dirty. I also like Wise for their potato flavor.

I miss the Cape Cod russet chips, which were my favorite ever. The 40% reduced fat aren’t bad and I prefer them to the normal ones, but they are a far cry from the russet versions.

My least favorite chip ever were the Grandma Utz kettle chips, which left what felt and tasted like a coating of slightly rancid greasy soap on the palate. I haven’t had one in more than 25 years and still vividly remember the horrible sensory experience.

Big fan of these

This is now the popular one in the house:

Route 11 Chips from rural western Virginia. Salt and Pepper and Salt and Vinegar are best.

Looking forward to a factory tour someday.

I’ve recently been searching for brands that are fried in Coconut oil, it really gives them a different flavor and crunch that I really like. Jackson’s Honest and boulder make a couple that I can get around here.

  1. Martin’s Kettle Cook’s 2. Deep River

Cape Cod Salt and Vinegar
Wise’s Onion and garlic

My college roommate’s family potatoe farm sold all their Spuds to Wise. We may have been poor, but we alwAys had French fries and Wise potato chips!

Deep River Maui onion rock. Love several of the Kettle Chips too

Paging Nola…

Dan… Dan Quayle? Is that you?

Come on that had to be Auto correct [rofl.gif] we do have proof that I knew how to spell it 7 years ago, so I Do have that on my side

Hands down!

Sweet Maui Onion from Hawaiian. It’s like crack.

Onion rings? Start your own thread neener

I wish!! Those look exquisite!

My personal favorites also.

Cape Cod-Aged White Cheddar & Sour Cream!!!

I’m bipolar as it were on this. Hardbite All Natural for proper potato flavour.

And then we have M&S Prawn Cocktail and Walkers Roast Chicken. I also recall Marmite but not who made them, probably Walkers again.

Honourable mentions to the Hardbite Avocado and lime.

Any one remember when the salt used to come in a little twisted blue paper bag inside the bag of crisps. No fancy flavours. And ready-salted was a big innovation. They work really well with roast chicken and bread sauce etc.

Gotta find those Black Truffle! I think have seen that brand at Mr McEwans emporium (a place that I have a love/hate relationship with due product quality and range but silly prices and service that ranges from excellent to worse than abysmal)

1.41 ounces, I hope thats just the truffle weight. [snort.gif]